chapter 15 : dates and siblings

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Unknown pov~

"Sir, the plan is set in motion"   I say. To who you might ask well that's doesn't matter the plan is to get her and I need to get her other wise I'm pretty much dead.
"Good , she is so gullible it's funny really"

I laughed it's true "she is sir, what happens now?"
"Wait till she's alone and strong we are going to have fun breaking her so she is going to be here a while"
" alright it's only been a week and she is still weak and now that he have become rouge we have backup" I say this will be good so good I could taste it.
" very well then if that's all you are dismissed"
I bow my head in respect of my alpha then leave this plan is perfect.

Annabelle pov ~

Currently I am begging to let Issac train me I am tired of being scared and weak I want to be strong and a good Luna but new people still scare me a bit.
"Please Issac you can be the one to train me and if I get to tired we can stop and I don't have to train" I beg
He thought for a while befor saying

"Thank you!"

"But, the training will be private and once I see you getting tired I tell you to stop. got it ?"
I not and rush up stairs to get into work out clothes.
Issac had his mother go shopping for me so now I have a whole bunch of different clothes more then I had before witch wasn't much.
I come back down and find Issac not there he went without me that's not nice.

"Hey Belle"  nick said

"Hi" I mumbled
I don't know how I feel about nick, I think I can trust him though I don't like the nickname.
" Do you know where Issac went I am supposed to train with him like now"
"Oh well then he should be in the gym"
"Umm I don't know where that is" I said shyly.
"I'll show you follow me"

He led me down a few hallways then we came up to a big glass door with a sign that said gym ( obviously )
"Have fun" he said then walked away
I opened the door and found my eyes wondering the room the hard wood floors and the mirror walls and all the equipment it was nice , nicer then my pack house.

"Hey ! Anna"
I focus my eyes on Issac then walk over to him.
"Ready to start?"
I nod here goes nothing.

*****( after training)*****

Hours gone by and I'm exhausted. This is alot more exercise then I ever got in my old pack, my exercise was cleaning.
When we where done I showed and put on a nice outfit and waited for Issac he said he wanted to take me out on a date and I agreed.
" all ready to go?" He asked He was wearing a blue button down shirt with nice dark blue jeans

" he took my hand and led me to the car
I'm going on my first date ! Just three weeks ago I was getting a beating because I asked a question.  And now I am a alphas mate.
" So where are we going?" I ask

"Its a surprise" he said as a giant smile appears on his face 
I huff , I hate surprises
About 10 minutes later we come up to this restaurant that looked really fancy and expensive .
We got out of the car and walking into the restaurant  , the waiter came up asked for a name then led us to a table to my surprise (how ironic )  there where people sitting at our table and those people where my brother and sister.


(Kinda edited) ( 4/15/2018)

I know short but I'll update tomorrow enjoy

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