The Group

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Faeryl wasn't your typical drow, she lived on the surface. She didn't conform to their evil, not fully. She had long white hair with a few braids in it randomly. Her grey skin was paler than most other drow, and her eyes glowed a pale pink.

It had been eight days sense the full moon, and Faeryl was sitting in a tavern. It was almost midnight, and a group of travelers had just entered. The town she was in currently was very small, people would get suspicious easily. She needed to leave by tomorrow. Faeryl sat at a table near the back of the tavern, the hood of her cloak covering her head. She was facing away from the other people, avoiding any glances. Drow aren't welcome on the surface.

The group of travelers seemed different than the normal customers at a tavern. They all had weapons, and looked battle hardened. The group consistep of three people, a dwarf, elf, and human.

The dwarf had a long red beard, looked to be as wide as he was tall. He carried a large battle axe and wore heavy plate mail that made him look like a small mobile castle.

The elf had long light brown hair, he looked prepared for long distance fights. He had a beautifully carved longbow swung over his shoulder next to an over flowing quiver of arrows. He wore leather armor with chain mail underneath.

The human was a woman, she wore mage robes and carried a long staff with a shark carved into the it. She had short black hair and fair skin. She looked the scariest of them all.

From her location, Faeryl couldn't hear what was being said by the group in the tavern, but she could feel their eyes burning into her back. She stood up and adjusted her hood to hide her hair and face from wandering eyes.

She stood at the table where the group was seated. "Who are you. I recognise none of you." She kept her head down as she spoke.

The elven man spoke up, "I am Elre. This is is Lucia," he nodded towards the woman, "and that is Ebbrek."

The woman and dwarf nodded at the hooded person standing by them. "Who might you be, stranger?" The elven man asked.

"I am no enemy if that is what you mean." Faeryl replied, smiling under her hood.

"You sound elven." Lucia spoke up, turning more towards Faeryl.

"So you are educated in accents? How impressive." Faeryl rolled her eyes and looked towards the dwarf, waiting for any comment.

"Elves don't come into towns Lucia." Ebbrek had a large mouthful of food, along with a beard full.

"Elre did." She retorted.

"He's with us. This girly here is alone i can assume."

Lucia just grumbled and crossed her arms. "He's right. You can't be just any elf. Where are you from?" Elre asked sitting up in his seat.

"So inquisitive, how about a deal?" Her smirk was evident in her words.

"What kind of deal?" Elre asked, his head tilted in suspicion.

"I will tell you anything about me you wish to know, if you leave this town with me."

"How do you know we wish to know anything else about you?" Lucia questioned, seeming defensive.

"Trust me, you will." Faeryl started walking out of the tavern, the three following close behind.

"Who do you think she is?" Lucia whispered to Elre, glancing towards Faeryl.

"I don't know, why do you think we're following her?" Elre grumbled, walking forwards.

"What if she's someone horrible and is planning on killing us?" Lucia

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