Chapter 20

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chapter 20

Dinner with my dad was, well, awkward. We talked and caught up and he had a little nag about the Justin thing but it went down hill when he told me he'd met someone. A woman at the office in new York. Oh yeah, and he's moving in with her in two weeks time, so that's why he got me the house. The thought of it made me tired so when I drove home, feeling full, the first thing on my mind was to sleep. But, of course, it's me and things never go my way.

"hey Cass." slurred Justin as I walked up to my porch and found him swinging gently on my love-seat swing.

"what are you doing here Justin?" I questioned Cautiously. He was obviously tipsy if not drunk.

"I was at a party but I needed to see you but you weren't here! So I stayed. Right here. I did you know?" he giggled and hiccuped.

"come in then." I groaned, I really didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

I opened the door and stepped in and waited for Justin to follow so I could shut the door, but when I turned back around he was still sat on the swing attempting to get up. As he swayed and fell about laughing part of me wanted to just leave him but I'd only feel guilty later on.

"come on Justin, come inside." I smiled hoping he'd come in because I knew I didn't have the strength to lift him on my own.

"come sit here!" he sat patting the space next to him. I sighed and give in part of me still curious of what he wanted to say.

"so I want to say sorrry." he said extending the r in sorry as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"sorry for what?" I asked hoping it was for the right thing.

I waited for a few seconds and then turned to look at Justin, I couldn't tell but it looked like he had his eyes shut, ergh.

"Justin, come on?" I said poking him . "come on Justin!" I said poking him a little harder.

I got up and tried tugging Justin's arm but he just began snoring and pulled away. I let got and walked over to chaz's and knocked on the door timidly, i knew it was late and if Chaz's dad answered the door I was sure to get a vicious response, but I couldn't leave Justin laid there, even if I kinda did hate him.

"erm Cassandra?" questioned Chaz's mom in her dressing gown.

"oh hello mrs. Somers, I'm sorry to intrude but well I need Chaz's help with something, if he's still awake?" I rambled and began to regret just coming over, I wish I'd just rang him. God why didn't I?

"I don't think-" Mrs Somers began to make an excuse.

"hey Cass, what's up?" said Chaz as he practically pushed his mom out of the way. He was stood smiling at me oh and did I mention he was topless. Like without a top? No top? I didn't realise he was this, this, hot.

"erm Cass?" laughed Chaz as he snapped me out of my shocked day dream. His mom shook her head and walked back into the house.

"oh oh yeah well Justin is asleep, and drunk , on my porch. So can you er help me get him up?" I smiled feeling slightly embarrassed.

"give me a minute." Chaz said then he ran upstairs and came back down with shoes and , sadly, a top on.

We silently walked to my porch and Chaz began to laugh when Justin's limp body came into view.

"come on help me!" I said as I took one of Justin's arms and put it round my neck. Chaz did the same and we pulled him into my front room and slumped him onto the couch. God he was such a deep sleeper!

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