chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The license plate was bent slightly but I could see the '5WAGG' clearly. That's when I knew it was Justin. It was his new car, I didn't know the model , even when he'd told me, but his customisations were recognisable. His purple and now smashed windows, his licence plate, purple wheels and jet black paint were all damaged, smashed and spread across the start of the motorway. Next to the car were 2 ambulances and a few police cars, redirecting civilians and closing off the road. The traffic was still and honking filled my ears but I couldn't sit here knowing it was Justin. I got out my car not even thinking to shut the door and ran past the traffic to reach a police man. He tried to stop me but I shoved past and ran to a closing ambulance door. I banged on the door pleading them to open up. "you know him?" asked the driver of the ambulance leaning out of the window. "yeah, please let me ride with you!" I begged. "I can't let you come since your not family" he said apologetically. He frowned and then with a sympathetic look told me "you can see him before I go? I still have to wait for the police to clear a route?" he said coming out of the front to open the back door. I jumped in and the driver walked over to join another ambulance that was waiting to leave. I was guessing it was for the other car driver that had little damage compared to Justin's.

As I stepped closer I saw Justin's face completely covered in blood , his face was turned and it was impossible to even know if it was him. His hood was partly up and covering up to his hair line. "Justin?" I questioned with tears in my eyes. He didn't react at all, his eyes stayed firmly shut. I couldn't tell if he had any other injuries but his face because of the large blanket covering up to his neck but the wound on his face was truly enough for me to get upset over.

"I have to take him now, were going to st. Michaels, if your fast you might catch me going in? I'm John by the way." said the ambulance driver I now knew to be John. But I couldn't move, my eyes were locked on justin and how odd he looked. "come on" John motioned pushing me slightly out the ambulance. I reluctantly stepped out and walked back to my car to find it had start a little traffic jam. Crap. I jumped back inside and sped off turning my car towards to hospital.

As I parked the car and grabbed a parking card I could already see the swarming media. How they'd found out I didn't know but before I could even attempt to hide myself they began to hustle towards me with recognition of this morning's antics firing questions. I couldn't make out the questions and trying to get through was difficult. " I just want to see if he's okay!" I screeched through tears. The crowd around me parted mumbling to let me through.

I quickened my pace until I realised I was running. I stopped at a desk and asked for "John the ambulance man" the girl smiled calmly "he's just brought the crash victim into room 21F" she said still smiling. I didn't want to stay and chat though, I wanted to see how bad Justin was. I speeded up the stairs until I found a bored looking Ryan sat outside a shabby door labeled 21F. He looked up with a puzzled expression. "why aren't you in there?" I questioned Ryan. His calmness faded into confusion as he looked down at his phone like he was expecting something.

"what are you doing here cass?" he said worriedly.


yeah yeah it's short but you were all desperate to know who it was and now you know!

Well since it's friday tommorow I'll upload an extra long chapter as I always do on fridays!

And gosh why do you think Ryan is so confused?

Vote comment and fan, MUCH LOVEEE

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