The shy girl

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Most girls are insecure and always looking for something to make them more secure. Like most girls, Lila, was insecure and self conscious. She was a very shy girl when she entered high school and was very nervous. What if I get bullied? She asked herself. What if I can't find any friends? She worried. At least my brother will be there, to protect me. Lila continued. But what if he embarrasses me?
"Lila," My brother, Leo, finally got my attention. "Get ready."
"Okay, okay," I said, trying to shake off my sleepyness. I got up and grabbed my clothes out of our closet. Me and my brother had to share a room, because there wasn't enough rooms for us to have our own. I headed to the bathroom to take a shower, I was tired and I wasn't a morning person. While in the shower I thought of what it would be like if I could turn back time, and how my first day at school was going to be.
When she was finally done taking her shower and getting ready. She laid back down on her bed and played on her phone until her alarm went off. With a sigh, Lila got up and grabbed her backpack.
"Okay, let's go."
"Walk the dog first."
"Okay, fine." She just wanted to hurry up and get the day over. "Zeus, let's go." As she clipped on the leash to her orange and white Pit bull she felt bad she was leaving him at home all alone.
When she finally got to her bus stop the bus was already visible, so she didn't have to wait in the cold for long. But the drive to school seemed to take forever. Why can't the day go faster? Lila asked herself. She was tired and wanted to go back to bed. The bus arrived at the school and she got up almost immediately as the bus stopped, mumbled a "thank you" to the driver and hurried off inside. She wasn't even sure the bus driver heard her, now she wouldn't know if she could say it again. Damn it! I need to just do it! She was tired of having a hard time talking to people. Ugh, it shouldn't be this hard! She pulled around her backpack and grabbed out her schedule.
"Health, room 326" Lila told herself. "Okay, where's the stairs?"
The day went on forever it seemed when she finally got to her last class for the day.
"English." Lila sighed, "I suck at English."

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