A New Year to Look Forward To (Sabriel)

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Happy new year guys :) Well actually it's 1am here, I'm an hour late, but hey I was watching fireworks.

Sam sighed as he looked around him. Another stupid college party that he was dragged to by his friend Jess. This time for the new year.

Sam looked around him at the drunk people, all happy and celebrating. Why was the new year something to celebrate anything? Or was it celebrating things that had happened that year? Either way, Sam didn't see the need to celebrate.

His last year had consisted of running away from home and going to college, which wasn't really what he'd hoped it would be. And what did the future hold other than a boring apple pie life? So nothing really to celebrate.

"Sam!" Sam looked up from his drink to see Jess walking over to him. "Come on, don't look so down."

"You know I don't like parties," Sam said.

"You need to loosen up," Jess said, sitting beside him. "Drink a little more, think a little less. Go find someone to kiss on the countdown."

Sam just raised an eyebrow. "Who would I kiss? I mean seriously."

Jess gave him an offended look. "Well I mean I'm always here."

"How many times have I told you, I don't like you in that way," Sam said, sighing. "Look, I'm going to go outside for some air." Jess pouted but let Sam go.

Sam walked out onto the front porch of the house. Everyone else was out the back near the pool, where there'd be a good view of the fireworks down in the park, so Sam was alone with his thoughts.

He leant forward on the railing, looking up at the night sky. Almost a year since he had seen his family. He would admit that he missed them.

"Heya kiddo. Party not your scene?"

Sam looked over to see a short guy standing there. Around Sam's age, maybe a bit older, definitely much shorter than him. Golden hair, sunshine through a glass of whiskey eyes. Not the slightest bit drunk.

"I was dragged along, didn't want to come in the first place," Sam said. "Name's Sam, you?"

"Gabriel," he said. He walked over and leant on the railing beside Sam. "I'm escaping from these annoying girls trying to kiss me on the countdown."

Sam laughed. "I guess I am too, some girls don't take a hint."

"You're telling me, I've shouted at them like ten times that I'm gay but you know, why not ignore that and try and destroy my rainbows and glitter?"

Sam laughed. "Didn't take you for the type."

"There's a lot you can't see in someone just by looking at them," Gabriel said. "Anyway, you reminiscing over the past year? Or looking forward to next?"

"How about neither?" Sam muttered.

"Aw don't be that way," Gabriel said. "You must have something to look forward to at least."

"Nope," Sam said. "I'll finish college, I'll become a lawyer, everything will be nice and boring."

"Well if you didn't want boring, then why are you studying law?" Gabriel asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sam shrugged. "Seemed like the best option I guess."

"If that was the best option, then your options were shit kiddo," Gabriel said. "Well I could teach you how to have fun, make the best of things. Maybe give you a career change."

"Okay, and what would this fun consist of?" Sam asked.

"You know the Trickster right?"

"Yeah, everyone on campus knows him. Why?"

"Well my dear Samsquatch, you're looking at him. I think that should give you an idea of what my fun consists of."

"No way, you're the Trickster?" Sam asked, his eyes wide. "Dude, you are awesome. Just saying."

Gabriel smiled widely. "Care to join in on some of my mischief?"

Sam thought for about half a second. "Ah what the hell? Sure."

Gabriel smiled wider, then looked at his watch. "One minute left. You found anything to look forward to yet?"

"Yeah...new friendship, lots of mischief."

"You going to give me anything in return?" Gabriel asked with a spark in his eyes.

"Oh god you're not expecting to kiss me on zero are you?" Sam asked.

"Can't say I don't want to, I mean you are a very good looking guy. But I'm not going to force you into anything."

"Is that why you just offered to let me help with your pranks? So you could kiss me?"

"No, I was actually being completely serious. I've seen you around Sammy, you seem like a really nice guy, and to be honest I want to get to know you better," Gabriel said, with a dead serious face.

Sam smiled at him. "Well then I guess I'll admit that you're pretty handsome yourself."

Gabe broke into a smile before checking the time. "Thirty seconds left."

Sam looked at the shorter guy. Yeah he was really good looking. And was funny, and kind. And of course Sam knew all the stuff he did as the Trickster.

"You're staring into my nonexistent soul there Samantha, you okay?" Gabe asked.

Sam laughed. "Fine. Just thinking."

"You're totally contemplating kissing me aren't you?"


"Advice. You totally should."


"Oh would you look at that, the countdown has started," Gabriel said. "Better make your decision now Sam."


Sam thought about it. He could kiss Gabriel, but...


He tried to find any but to the situation, that ended up with thinking about Gabriel's butt


Well there was nothing against it.


And he definitely wanted to.


So why the hell not?

Sam put a hand behind Gabriel's head and pulled him towards him as the fireworks went off, kissing him. Gabriel smiled into the kiss, standing on his tip toes to reach properly. He put his arms around Sam's neck and Sam moved his to wrap around Gabe's middle.

Sam pulled away from the kiss, but kept his arms wrapped around Gabriel.

"Now that wasn't too hard was it kiddo?" Gabe asked, smirking. Sam just rolled his eyes, listening to the fireworks go off.

"Should we go watch the fireworks?" Sam asked.

"Nah, we can make our own," Gabe said, winking.

Sam just pulled him into another kiss to which Gabe responded enthusiastically.

So it appeared that the new year was something to look forward to after all.

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