04: Nutella is heaven

267 22 16

31 Dec 2015


It has been a good 'ol 30 minutes Ariel kept on disconnecting chats.

Everyone she found was mostly perverts.

Some were auto chats, promoting their kik.

She was starting to fad up.

'one last time,' she thought.

'if it ends up connecting me with an old man asking for me to suck their balls, I'll uninstall this piece of crap,'

She then tap chat and waited.

Promegle Chat

Male, 18


Ariel was a bit taken aback with the random introduction. But she replied anyway.

Ariel: I love Nutella more

Stranger: Let me tell u something,

Ariel: Wut?

Stranger: Nutella is heaven, don't compare it with anyhthing

Stranger: Literally, never compare Nutella for anything

Ariel: True that.

Stranger: Why are you on promegle? Shouldn't you be with loved ones?

It is New Year you know.

Ariel: so? your point?

Stranger: Nah, promegle is cool. Oh hey, your nose's bleeding

Ariel: LOL no it's not

Stranger: yeah it is. I'm just too sexy for you pervs

Ariel: Ha Ha. Funny,

Stranger: I know I am, *smirks*

Ariel: Fyi, I'm not like you pervs.

Stranger: What's that supposed to mean?

Ariel: I'm not what you think I am.

Stranger: You're in Promegle, so I think I solidly know what type of people you are.

Ariel: Nu-uh. It's my first time here so shut up pervs

Stranger: I'm not a pervs. You are

Ariel: I AM NOT

Stranger: Yes you are

Ariel: No

Stranger: you are

Ariel: No, you are

Stranger: ugh we're not getting anywhere

Ariel: you're kind of a jerk

Stranger: No you are

Ariel: Ok stop

Stranger: yellow stockings are super cute

Ariel: I called my mole below my left eye Paris

Stranger: my eyes are green, I wish they were blue

Ariel: my hair's black and crazy

Stranger: I like making videos

Ariel: I hate people

Stranger: I'm allergic to girls especially the hot ones.

Ariel: Never dated

Stranger: poor thing

Ariel: Hah! I win!

Stranger: There wasn't any contest anyway

Ariel: Says the guy who started it first.

Stranger: you know, I never catch your name

Ariel: Whoa never knew it can fly

Stranger: Hah, -.- you're so funny

Ariel: you can call me anything you want, as long as it's not long to memorize Lol


Stranger: Call me Q. Cool name huh

Ariel: that's an alphabet, not cool

Stranger: the fireworks are starting to go ballastic

Ariel: I rather spend my time with a complete stranger than celebrating this crap with all my fake friends.

Stranger: Poor pup, come here. hug daddy , c'mon. don't be shy

Ariel: I'm not your dog idiot haha

Stranger: I think I'm gonna call you pup

Ariel: ugh

Stranger: gotta go pup. Mom's calling

Ariel: You're gonna leave me here? Alone? I thought you loved me daddy

Ariel: ew that was really weird

Stranger: Haha, you're really something.

Stranger: Tell you what, search me on internet, Maybe someday you'll know who I am

Ariel: but what if I can't find the talking alphabet?

Stranger: Then search harder,

Ariel: But...

Stranger: read back all my chats. You'll get the clue, bye

Ariel is typing...

Stranger disconnected.

Ariel heart sink.

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