Alexander Gideon Lightwood x Reader

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Alec's POV

Y/N's face was cold and pale her H/C strewn across the pillow. She looked so small and weak, the sheets engulfing her small body. She was the only occupant of the Institute's infirmary, and the only thing assuring me that she was still alive, was the barley visible rise and fall of her chest. I owed her my life. This small frail girl on the edge of life and death. Without her, I would be the one in this bed.

My mind flashed back to the events that caused this misery. Sebastion threw Y/N at the wall as though she weighed nothing. Her body flew towards the Gard until finally, with a sickening crack it made contact. With a thud, Y/N landed in a heap  on he ground.


I leapt to my feet, darting towards the unmoving girl, a surge of protectiveness washing over me. I reached her and  fell to my knees, pulling Y/N into my arms.

"Y/N?" I shook her, willing her to wake up, willing her eyes to fly open, revealing two beautiful  pools of E/C, but still she didn't budge. Tears left my eyes and raced down my cheeks.

"Y/N please."

"Al?" A quiet voice brought me back to reality and I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

Suddenly my head shot  up. I knew that voice. A pair of E/C eyes met mine and the breathe escaped my chest.

"Y/N," I whispered.

"Y/N!" Louder this time. Jumping to my feet I was at her bedside in a moment. Happiness overwhelmed me and I lifted her into me arms and spun her around. Then, placing her back on her feet, I smashed my lips to hers.

She was surprised at first, a small gasp escaping her lips, then she kissed me back. Her hands found their way to my hair and I left mine on the small of her back, keeping her steady. Tears of joy streamed down my face and I smiled into the kiss. Then she broke away.

"Al, I can't do this." My heart sunk.

"Why not?" The question hung in the air.

"Because you love Jace," she sighed.

"No, I don't, I thought so to, but no. The moment you hit the ground up there, at the Gard, I felt something I've never felt, the urge to protect you, hold you, love you. I thought I loved Jace but I was wrong, I love you Y/N, I always will."

"Good, now kiss me you fool." So I did. And in that moment one thing was clear.

I, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, would never, ever, stop loving her back.

A/N: There it is guys, Part Two, I hope you all enjoyed it. I would like to add that, as it says in the title, this story is a one-shot. I will not be adding anymore parts, this is it. The only reason this is a two part one-shot is because one of my readers commented that there should be more to the story. Thank you for reading!

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