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Spirit's pov

I watched Rebel as he looked between Aura and Angel. He then turned his attention to me. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, Spirit." I look back at my brothers as Rebel glared at me angrily. "What do you mean, Rebel?" I asked innocently.

"Do you know how angry their dad will be when he finds out that you told them about this world?!" Rebel asks staring at me. "Our dad is-" Angel starts but I cut him off. "Angel shut up."

"Spirit, y-" Aura says, trying to discipline me for being rude; stupid kid, I'm always rude, there's no helping that. "Rebel. You said their dad. What's that suppose to mean?" I asked and watched as the colour drained out of Rebel's face. "I meant to say your dad. Their dad. All three of your guy's dad." He says with a small smile.

"Rebel." I said causing him to just shake his head, "welcome to the party of trying to save the world. Spirit take my spot, Leah will explain what's happening. I have to make a phone call." I gave him a look before going to sit on the couch that he was siting on before.

Angel and Aura came and sat on either side of me, keeping close. I kind of enjoyed it but I could tell that Leah was catching on to what was happening between us. "So, Spirit, who are these guys?" Leah asked, trying to break the silence.

"My brothers." I mumbled, not in the mood for talking. She looked at me surprised, "I didn't know you had brothers," I fought off the smile. Finally someone who didn't know before I did. "Yes she did. She was just trying not to be rude." James said, flipping the page in his book.

I clenched my teeth. I really did hate the twins. Leah wasn't that bad. She always tried to make conversation with me and never tried to get in my pants with disgusting 'compliments'. Most of the time I ignored the brothers - they were just seeking attention and I refuse to give it to them.

"So Leah, what is Rebel making a big deal out of this time?" I asked, glancing over the page that was opened before flipping it.

"Do you remember Max?" she asked looking at me, totally ignoring my brothers who sat awkwardly beside me, not saying anything. "The hunter? Vaguely." I mumbled as I started to actually read the book; it's main focus was on witch craft - the darkest of dark witchcraft. Like questioning Rebel on how he got this stuff type of bad. "Well, he's gotten into some bad things. Like sacrificing innocents to bring back the dead ones that he couldn't save." I internally groaned. That honestly wasn't that bad. At least not bad enough to be in these books.

I looked between her and James, they've got to be kidding me right. They both had serious faces on, I was honestly starting to think that this was a joke. "You're not going to find your answers in these books." I said, standing up and walking out of the room. Honestly, I don't have time to deal with their stupid right now.

I didn't bother telling my brothers to follow because I knew they would. Sure enough when I looked back I saw both Angel and Aura grinning at me. "Spirit that was awesome." Angel said, "the look that they had after you left," he started to giggle quietly. I smiled lightly at them, at least they were having fun.

"Go up those stairs," I say pointing to the stairs that lead to the first part of the library, "and go to the section on witch craft." They both nodded and Aura turned to follow my directions but Angel stayed, "wouldn't they have already looked through all the witch craft stuff?" he asked.

I shake my head, "it's Rebel; he went to the dark section first but what Max is doing is taking simple spells and mixing them with the more complex spells. That's why they haven't found anything that he's using - he created them." I sigh, "just go, I need to talk to Rebel."

They nodded again and went to the stairs. I could hear them quietly arguing as they walked up the stairs and disappeared into that part of the library. I started walking up the stairs that were closer to me thinking of what I was going to say to Rebel. He clearly lied and I want to know the truth. But more importantly, I wanted to know who he was talking to.

When I got to the top of the stairs I found myself surrounded by the familiar maze of a library. And the smell of old book it caused me to smile slightly as I inhale the lovely smell. If I were to have to choose a smell that screamed 'home' to me, this would be the one. I had spent hours here as a kid, learning the maze of book shelves. Along the way I would stop and read any book that I hadn't before. Over time of not being allowed to go on the adventure with my mom, and having to stay with Rebel, I gained the knowledge of almost all of the books in this library. That's how I knew what Max was up to.

Sighing, I weaved my way around the shelves to the back. Skimming my eyes along the book shelf that was in front of my I picked the bright green book and pulled the top of it. It came out easy and the shelf started moving to the left.

I looked at the brown worn out door that was closed and locked in front of me. Rebel had given me the spell to unlock the door, so getting in to talk to him was no problem. The problem was I had never had the excuse to use the spell before. After taking over the library from his dad, Rebel never locked this door. The door to his bedroom; the personal part of the library, belonging to who ever owned it.

 Maybe this 'phone call' that he had to make was important and I shouldn't bug him? But I really want to know the truth. And what are the chances that the phone call he is making is not about me? I'm thinking about 0.01%. I bit my lip, hoping the spell thingy Rebel gave me will work after all these years. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." I whisper then watch as the door slowly opens.

 I take a step in and slide the book shelf into place after myself. I turn to see Rebel sitting at the desk in the room, "-well I'm not keeping that from him any longer. You better take it off. Look I gotta go." I hear him say as he turns to look at me. I give him a little smile and he just glares at me before saying, "ya whatever" and hanging up the phone.


"The damn door was locked for a fucking reason, Spirit." Rebel says sternly and I roll my eyes. "if you didn't want me to walk in on your 'important' phone calls you shouldn't have told me the password."

Rebel shakes his head, "I never lock the door during the day time. You should have known that I wanted privacy." I roll my eyes again; a habit I've gotten into when around Rebel. I go sit on the big bed in the room before asking the question I've been wondering since he announced that he needed to make a phone call: "so, who was on the phone?"

He shakes his head and watches me carefully, "none of your business," I start to pout, giving him my puppy dog face.

"Spirit," he warned running a hand through his brown hair. "So it was my mother," I groan and flop down on the bed. Rebel makes his way over to the bed and lays down next to me, not saying anything.

"What were you two talking about?" I whisper as I stare up at the ceiling. "Mostly your dad," he says and I sigh, remembering the man that was mangled on the floor when I first met my brothers. My dad and I; we had never talked, made memories hadn't really even met. "He's dead." I whisper and I feel Rebel tense up beside me, "a werewolf was attacking him when I showed up at their house." I sigh again, "didn't even let them stay for a funeral. We skipped down the morning after it happened."

Rebel reached over and pushed the hair from my face, "and how did you all take it?"

I shrug, "they took it like true hunters. I didn't see them tear up when the police came and started to question us. Not even when Wolf-Heart showed up. Then we went to Aura's apartment and they were more focused on having se- bonding time with me than anything." I said and at the end of me talking Rebel was glaring at me.

"W-what?" I asked feeling my cheeks heat up, I knew that I had been caught.

"Please tell me that you didn't" Rebel said, continuing to glare at me.

"Didn't what?" I ask innocently.

"Don't play coy, Spirit. Did you have sex with your brothers?" I gulped, this was not going to go over well.

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