Chapter 1

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This story is dedicated to my best friend Cassie! or xXDareToDream98Xx! She has been wanting to read a nice fanfiction lately so I hope both You guys and her enjoy it! Yes, I know the plot is really weird, but I wanted to do something different! xx

Phebi's P.O.V  

I woke up slowly letting my mind and body start working before I drug myself out of my comfy bed. I stood up and looked in the mirror, straining my eyes to see my watery figure staring back at me. No, I'm not some evil creepy looking water person, but that's the only way I could describe myself in my original form. This part of me did look like water, but it seemed like water that was so clear that I could barely be seen. I cleared my mind and pictured the face I always wore on casual days.

   To put it simply, it's almost like photographic memory. I could put away images of strangers in the back of my mind and shift into them anytime. The one I use for many days of my life is just one I remember from a young girl I saw when I was little. It was very pretty with long hair such a dark purple that you had to look closely to see, slightly tanned skin, and big beautiful hazel eyes.

  Now, I know since I am I shape shifter, people expect me to run around changing into different things and people constantly, but the truth is there are a lot of things I have to avoid to keep my 'gift' a secret. Because, in reality most of anyone that finds me would want to lock me up or kill me. Sounds fun right? 

   I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs grabbing and apple off the table and kissing my dads cheek.

"Full moon tonight sweet pea!" My dad yelled to me as I ran towards the door. I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"But what if I need something!" I whined.

"You'll just have to go call for your mother baby girl! Bye now!" He said walking towards me and kissing the top of my head.

   "Bye Daddy. See you tomorrow then?" My dad nodded and I headed outside. The cold breeze blew lightly against my face. I walked quickly towards the small bookstore I worked at. I choose to work there because it was quiet and not many people came in besides elders with bad eye sight. Which was good due to the fact that if my mind wandered off I could easily shift between different faces and creatures.

   I walked through the doors of the store and the scent of new books and coffee, my personal heaven. A few of the older ladies greeted me as I rushed behind the counter and put on my apron. I greeted them all back and started making their usual orders. That's another reason I loved it here. It was the same faces everyday and I had grown to love the elders that came here and I defiantly loved when new faces came in. I always kept the books I bought under the counter so that at times like these when it wasn't busy I could just pull it out and read and that's exactly what I did.

Niall's P.O.V

Las Angeles just seemed like the perfect getaway for my family and the boys. So, here I was walking the streets with my mother, Maura. We had just got a small two week long break from tour, so we all decided to take our families to the states!

"Thanks for everything Ni, you really didn't have to do this!" My mother said admiring everything around her.

"Mum, without you I wouldn't be where I am today! You deserve it." I replied "Do you want to stop anywhere?"

"How about there?" She replied pointing to a small book and coffee shop. I nodded and we walked across the street towards it. I opened the door for my mum letting her go first and following after her. The bookstore was quiet and empty aside from the young women at the coffee bar reading a book.

My mom examined the coffee menu as I sat down at one of the bar stools. The girl looked up a little startled at first.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't hear you guys come in!" She exclaimed putting her book under the counter.

"Don't worry about it dear!" My mom  exclaimed before ordering us two random drinks. The girl started making the drinks as my mom browsed around the book section.

"My names Phebi by the way." The girl said as she worked. "Ya' know we don't really get a lot of new and young people around here, and never people like you."

"So, you know of me?" I asked looking up at her. She nodded and slid a cup in front of me and the seat beside me. My mom sat down and I sipped at the drink. "What's in this!" I exclaimed taking another large gulp.

"Two shots of espresso, chocolate chips, cookie crumbs, and whipped cream!" She said with a smile. "My personal favorite."

   I sipped at the drink and replied to a text from Liam asking where I was. The girl slid a mug towards me along with a marker.

"Do you mind signing it? It's not everyday you meet famous people!" She said happily. I signed it and handed it back to her, returning the smile. She was a pretty girl. She had light purple hair and pretty brown eyes. Her face had the look that naturally made her look younger, but you could tell she was around eighteen.

"Well I hope you enjoyed it! Please come again soon!" She spoke as we finished our drinks. We paid and walked out of the store, walking the streets of L.A. once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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