viii | control

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It was during Trigonometry that Jade realized it was dawning the start of March. The bags underneath her eyes were still present much like her lack of sleep. Lately she had gotten back into the habit of completing her homework and Emmett took to sorting her Spanish for her. The pair still kept distance not speaking about their shared day together.

"Hey Ang?" Jade turned to her seatmate. Angela peered up fixing her glasses and smiling in reply.

"Mhm?" Her pen continued moving as Jade set her own to the side. She was in no way interested in finishing her trig homework before class ended.

"Could you help me out with my trig homework tonight? I'm having some trouble." Angela looked toward the clock before nodding slowly.

"My brothers are gonna be home tonight—"

"We can go to my place? My mom should be at work still." Jade offered, it'd be easier for her to ask Angela about Ben without the interruption of little brothers. She packed her bag beside Angela as the bell rang signaling the end of class. Angela began talking about the work instantly and how it would be a piece of cake for Jade to pick up. Ben was beside Mike outside the classroom waiting patiently for them to exit.

"Hey ladies," Ben chimed as he shifted beside Angela pushing Jade to walk alongside Mike. Jade wasn't upset matching her pace with Mike's.

"Are you excited for the girl's choice dance?" It was a conversational topic and still Mike floundered for a response. Jade thought it was unlike him since he usually was a pivotal person at their lunch table.

"Yeah, if the person I want to ask me asks me." Jade tilted her head, severely hoping it was Jess.

"Who would that be? If I'm allowed to ask." Mike rubbed the back of his neck at Jade's interest.

"I wanted Bella to ask me—" Jade bit the inside of her cheek, making a face before she could stop herself.

"What does she not like me?" Mike questioned quickly.

"No-no I mean I don't know. I just thought maybe you'd want someone to ask you that you know better like—Jessica?" Mike's face smoothed, frowning as he shrugged.

"Yeah I guess. What about you? You haven't really talked to anyone beside Ben and I think Angela's about to steal him from you." Mike's eyes moved toward the pair up ahead, they were close together giggling.

"I hope Angela asks him I think they'd be cute together. I might ditch the dance, I don't have anyone to ask and I'm not going solo."

"We'd all dance with you, why not ask Eric or Tyler?"

"Neither of them are interested in a girl with burgundy dyed hair." Jade replied pulling the locks away from her face. No one here had any sort of colorful hair and most of it was a natural dye like the blonde cheerleaders. She didn't consider herself ugly and she certainly didn't hate her hair color it was just ahead of its time for the Forks area.

"I think they're more or less afraid of what their parents would say. I don't care so I doubt they do." Mike shrugged. Feeling mildly insecure under Mike's friendly words Jade looked away. "Hey I've been planning this trip to La Push for awhile, you should come." Mike was unnaturally good at subject changes. There was something about him that understood when to switch topics once they got stale or were too much.

"I think Ben already beat you to it. I'd love to go just let me know when." Jade smiled and Mike politely opened the lunchroom door for her.

"Well I'm glad someone told you—you can ride in my car if you want." Mike replied and his eyes narrowed. Jade turned in the direction he was looking seeing Jessica bounding over with a tray full of food. Her curls were pinned back and her straight edged nose was able to poke out.

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