Prefix is the day of month you were born!
1. Red
2. Dove
3. Snow
4. Light
6. Lion
7. Tiger
8. Fern
9. Cloud
10. Dark
11. Dust
12. Willow
13. Feather
14. Leopard
15. Squirrel
16. Dusk
17. Nettle
18. Thistle
19. Flame
20. Leaf
21. Blue
22. Mint
23. Brittle
24. Russet
25. Sparrow
26. Red
27. Clover
28. Owl
29. Sand
30. Hazel
31. Aspen
The month you were born in is the suffix!
January: TailFebruary: Heart
March: Fang
April: Spot
May: Leap
June: Star
July: Stripe
August: Stone
September: Fall
October: Claw
November: Flank
December: Shine
I got Sandleap! Comment what you guys got and tell me if I made any errors or said anything twice!
Warrior Cats Name Generator!
De TodoThe Title explains it all! It's a Warrior Cat name generator!