Hardyn's Heroes

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Love Hardyn despite his rough exterior? Here's where you can discuss his better qualities! This is where you can talk about Hardyn, what you like/don't like about him, where you think he's going and how successful you think he'll be. Anything you want! lol I've included a basic list below.

I *might* take your comments into consideration when I'm writing the sequel so be sure to let me know what you think!

Things I would like to know (all of this in your opinion)! Please don't hesitate!

1. His strengths

2. His weaknesses

3. Challenges you think he will face

4. What you predict for his future

5. What you like about him

6. What you don't like about him

7. Which celebrity you think he resembles

8. Plus anything you want to add!

Thanks guys! And please remember I read your comments! I don't always get to respond due to schoolwork, etc., but I read and appreciate every single one! It makes my day to hear from you so please stay in touch!

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