well take your time.

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Riddick pov

By the time we took shelter,it was night fall and all I could do was watch her in the moon light.

Her curves where more defined in the moon light the pup she had stood next to her.

As time went by Vince and I went out to hunt we came back with food him in his jaws and me in my arms I think he likes her pup. The fire was built, it was like she already smelled my scent she sat up and turned to where I was. 

"It took you long enough" Wait what I did not even see her mouth move.

Electra's POV

"Nice going dumbass now he knows!"

"Shut up Vipe I don't need your shit right now."

"Then just fuck him and I will be quiet...but noo you have to go and say he is not your type...still no answer...fine I'm out better luck next time bitch.", as she slammed the door to our connection.

Riddick's POV

I always told Hunter not to slam the door, to our connetion it always gave me a headache.

"Yeah but I still do it to piss you off it is fun."

"Yeah but what did vipe mean about now he knows?" 

"That is something that you must find out on your own Riddick, I cannot help you there it is against the rules of fate." 

I was stuck thinking so much that I didn't hear her come from behind me. I quickly turned and pinned her to the wall the look on her face was of pure rage and passion and something else I could not tell.

Hunter said I have to figure this out myself, suddenly time slows and all I could see was her eyes and her lips I leaned in slowly and kissed her. At first it was slow and tantalising but then it turned hungry like she crawled inside my mouth and was trying to eat me alive.

"By all means take your time the Sun won't come up just yet" She got up off me in a fury she screamed and screamed until she just stopped and looked at me it was not that look.

I will tell you that, I'm about to kill you it was a hungry look like I was her last supper she stopped towards me her hips swaying it was hypnotic I watch the way her hips moved until she was in front of me...

I have never begged in my life but I know she had me at that moment I would beg for her to come to me. She must have seen the look in my eyes because she started walking towards me slowly making each step count. Suddenly she was on her knees and my control broke.

Let's just say that night was the night to remember.

In a sultry voice she spoke, "Well take your time there's no rush like you said we have all night."

"All night."

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