The Introduction To Him

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I walked into school and found myself alone and tired. My friends aren't at school yet and so I wander the halls hoping to find something to do for the next 20 min. I walk in the 6th and 8th grade halls and am still bored. I grab my things from my locker and bring them down to my first hour so that I will be prepared. 

I walk upstairs to the 8th grade hall again and find the guy I have had a crush on for 2 years. This crush still scares me because I think I am crazy. He has short brown hair and is not very athletic or popular. He is pretty much a nobody unless your friends with him. 

He smiles and walks with his guy friends down the halls. He is the cutest thing, but I would never admit to liking him because he would never feel the same way. He walks with no purpose which is a turnoff due to the fact I am a competitive cheerleader and we must walk with purpose. I look at the digital clock in the hall to see that it is 7:42 which means class starts in 6 min. I decide to start walking to class and I pass him. He says Hi and I respond with Hey. I don't count that as conversation let alone a hello. 

We have no classes together so I will never see him, but that doesn't bother me because I am not a stalker. He is going to his class and I am going to mine. Everything will happen again tomorrow.

**2 Months Later**

I  go into school as usual, but seems different and out of place and I finally figure out what it is. It is the fact that I feel needy. I feel like I need to talk to him about something. I don't even know what I would talk to him about. He is so outgoing and I am so shy and unable to speak in front of him. Maybe I should just go to class and forget about everything forever, but no matter how hard I try he won't get out of my head. 


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