Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My senior summer, which is filled with parties for most, was completely filled with classes at Gotham U. By the fall, I had enough credits to be considered a junior, combined with my A.P. class credits from high school. As I continued my studies, I would hear about the various heroes and crooks in Gotham.

Things seem to be getting crazier. Harvey Dent, the once hailed district attorney, is now a criminal who released several of Batman's worst enemys from Arkham, and word on the street is that Robin has been seen less and less. Worst of all, today Hamilton Hill is sworn in as mayor.

There is something definitely off about this guy. My dad thinks he's going to do great work for Gotham, but I've got a bad feeling about him. Having nothing better to do on my spring break, I decide to turn on the TV in my apartment and watch the ceremony.

I frown as I am watching them go through all the official business. You would think they'd put some more entertainment in these things so people wouldn't fall asleep. I yawn. Seriously, at least have a disco ball or something shiny to- wait a second.

Something catches my eye in the background in one of the camera shots. I quickly grab the remote and go back a few seconds and freeze the frame on the shot that caught my attention. Oh my god. There, in the background, right behind Hill is Rupert Thorne himself. That cannot be a coincedence!

The look on his face is a twisted, evil grin. Something is definitely up. I know Thorne was "elected" as Councilman a few years ago, but if he has a mayor in his pocket... that's not good. I switch the broadcast back to real time, just in time to hear some of Hill's speech.

"It is no secret that the criminal activity in Gotham has increased. Although many have been jailed, there are still more to take their place. This failure of Gotham City's Police Department cannot go on any longer. That is why I announce the immediate removal of Commissioner James Gordon, and the appointment of Mr. Peter Pauling, who, unlike Gordon, sees the Batman for what he really is, another criminal violating the law."

No. I immediately grab my phone and call home.

"You're watching the Mayor?"

"Why do you think I called?"

I hear my dad sigh.

"Daddy, it's not fair. Thorne's got to be behind it."

"Barb, you know as well as I do you need proof before you make accusations like that."

"But dad, he's right there!"

"He's on the city council, Barbara, he would be there. Believe me, I want this character out just as much as you do, but there's nothing I can do."

"Dad... you can't just give up."

"I've got to go Barb, I have to get my statement together for when the press comes around."

I press the end button and sit in awe on my couch. First Sarah, now my dad. Thorne has gone too far. If Hill is one of Thorne's guys, I bet Pauling is with Thorne too... I just need to find the proof. I grab my laptop and start cross referencing Hill and Pauling with Thorne. I sigh as I close my laptop, nothing criminal. I wonder if he would be so bold as to say anything in his, well my dad's, office... I smile as I get an idea.

I quickly call Sarah's cell, "Hey Sarah, it's me."

"Now's not really a good time, Barbara."

"I know I already talked to dad, but I was wondering if you needed me to help clear his office. I figured it would be tough for you two to get out with all the press there."

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