Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"And you did nothing?!" Dinah squeals as I recapped my um... incident with Dick.

"Would you quiet down?" I snap, my ears ringing slightly.

"Opps... sorry..." She says as she pulls her harmonica out of her pocket. She starts playing as I continue to talk.

"It's like he can't make up his mind!"

She stops, "Oh, I think his mind is made up."

She plays again. "Wait! Why do you say that?"

"I may or may not have had a situation similar to yours."

She is about to play the harmonica again when I put my hand on her wrist, "Seriously? With who?"

"Not telling." She maneuvers her hand out of my grip and plays again.

"Aw come on, Dinah... please, I really need some sisterly advice here..."

"Barb, you want my advice? You should have kissed him back!"

"I was going to but he... I don't know. It's like he's two different people sometimes..."

"Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but that's our business."

Normally, I'd laugh. I've been with a few other guys before but Dick... there's something going on between us I can't quite figure out. It's different with him.

"Look... being who we are doesn't make relationships any easier. Many of us didn't have the best background or experiences, but we have to put that aside every day when we put on that mask. Then again, there's this... trust you put in that person to be there in the hardest times, and in a way, it makes it a little easier. You want my advice?" I look up at her like a begging dog, "Talk to him. Say what you feel, and hope that's enough."

I give her a big hug, "Thanks, Dinah."

"Go get him."

I race out of my apartment with a big dopey grin as I make my way across town to Wayne Manor. I get off the train and can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I think ahead about the route to the mansion. Not many stores, most of it is private property, so I can't look in shop windows to be certain. No gas station, since it's right by the train... I take a deep breath as I pass the outskirts of Bristol's city life and begin the trek to Wayne Manor. Looks like I'll have to rely on my senses for this one.

Tuning into my martial arts background, I lighten my steps, so there is next to no sound. I look up to the sky, it's clear and a full moon. I should be able to see a shadow if someone is following me. I continue to Wayne Manor, which is about a mile up the road. No cars out, no shadows, no sound from behind me... yet I still have this eerie feeling. Whoever this is... they're a professional. I turn my head slightly to see a black figure following me. Crap.

"Miss Gordon," a woman's voice says behind me, with a calm voice and a slight accent from somewhere I cannot place, "Do not be alarmed, or try to run."

I turn to face the woman who looks to be around Dinah's age, "Who are you?"

As she comes closer, I can see she is dressed in all black with what look like swords attached to a belt, "My name is Talia al Ghul, and my father has been very impressed with your activities."

"Who is your father?"

She laughs as she walks in a slow circle around me, "I am surprised he has not informed you of the great Ra's al Ghul, and of myself."

"You think very highly of yourself."

"It is not narcissism, merely stating facts. Being so... close to Bruce, I am amazed he hasn't mentioned my father or myself."

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