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"Breaking news, investigators believe to have a lead on the missing 12 year old girl, Riley Silvers. 48 hours into the case. They received and anonymous call saying they heard a piercing scream, and glass breaking inside the Silver's house. The mother,Tracy Silvers, 38, says she was away at a friends house before the time the 911 call had been made , leaving her father, Javon Silver, 30, to be home alone with Riley. Mr. Silver, who was the one to make the 911 call, claims Riley had asked to go to a friends house around 4:30 that night, and never returned. He claims the scream was coming from the television show, that he was watching. As for the glass shattering, Mr. Silver says that he had fallen and shattered a window, causing the long cut on his right upper forearm, but according to forensic and nurse S.Jackie, who examined him at the scene, the cut seemed to be self-inflicted. Also according to police investigation, there were no windows found broken inside of the house. Three of Riley's close friends has been questioned, all of which said that they invited Riley to a sleepover that she did not want to attend. Riley was last seen by her dad Javon Silvers, on February 25 wearing a white shirt and kitty pajama pants. Riley stands at 5'2, she has long curly brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin complexion. If anyone has any information on Riley or her whereabouts, please contact the missing hotline located in the bottom of the screen. Thank you."


*17 years later*

"How many?" The Hostess asked Camille as she stepped into the room of a cool, dimly lit restaurant.

"Um.. two." She replies shyly. "I'm expecting someone." she smiles as she pulls the curly strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Ooh, so you have a date..?" The Hostess cooed, causing Camille to blush, holding her head down so she can hide her face. "You are beautiful, he is a lucky guy."

That was the truth. Camille is 17, she has caramel skin and big brown eyes, beautiful golden locks that were once brown, and a coke bottle figure. Her mom was Jamaican, born and raised, though her complexion was white. Her blood grandma had moved to Jamaica before her mother was born, and once she was there she realized she was still young and regretted wanting to keep her. By then it was too late for abortion, so after she gave birth, she handed her to her neighbors who adopted her and took care of her. Camille's mother had moved to America when she was 17, where she had meet her dad, an older gentlemen, 30 years old. They messed around in secret since he had a wife and a kid. Her mother had gotten pregnant, but when it was time to tell Camille's dad, he had gotten locked up for a very long time. Her adopted grandmother and father was very disappointed, but they loved her all the same and still helped take care of Camille, till this day. That was all Camille knew, that was all her mother told her.

The Hostess seated Camille in a booth at the back of the restaurant, then she left and came back with two cups of water and sat one in front of Camille and the other across from her. She told her that someone will be with her shortly, Camille thanked her than she left. Camille had on a long gown that showed her hourglass shape, she put her thick, curly hair into a bun but a few strands still seemed to find its way to her face. She had on slight makeup and she constantly looked at her reflection in her phone to make sure she looked decent for Josh.

She sat anxiously but patiently, time seemed to move too slow in this restaurant. Finally a waitress had walked up to her and asked if she was ready to order. Camille recognize the waitress as a girl that went to her school, her name tag had read Tyler. Tyler was one of those snotty, mean girls. She was popular for some reason, and all the guys had a crush on her, including Josh, that was her ex. Though Camille was prettier than Tyler, in looks and personality, Camille felt threatened by her, only because of her insecurities. Camille was shy, but down to earth. Tyler was Bold, but stuck up. Tyler pushed people like Camille around, and Camille would let people like Tyler do that to her.

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