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It was three o'clock in the morning , Jhene sluggishly walks through the door. Blood followed her from a knife wound to her stomach. Painfully she walks down the hallway to Camille's room and tries to open it, but sadly Camille had locked the door for the first time ever, mad about the argument that occurred between them earlier.
"Camille..." she pleaded. She tried to knock on the door but she was weak, and she was loosing blood. "I... I love you...." she says quietly as she bangs on the door one last time as hard as she could. She falls to the ground.

Ten minutes later Camille is suddenly awoken. She never wakes up this early but there was an uneasy feeling in the air. Camille got up and opened her room door. She screamed. Her mother lays there unconscious, blood surrounding her body. The front door was still open and you can see the trail of blood that she left. She quickly dialed 911.
Camille spoke before the lady could say anything.
"Please, please, my mother is on the floor bleeding and I think she's dead!" She cried. Camille could barely speak, she was sobbing so hard.
"Please calm down, where are you? Can you give us your location?" The lady asked and Camille told her. "There's an ambulance on their way, please stay away from her, don't touch her, you might make things worse if she still is alive. Do me a favor though, feel her palm, check if her heart is still beating. Can you do that?"
Camille nodded even though the operator couldn't see her. She did as was told.. she quickly put her hand to her mother's, and waited in anticipation for a thump in her wrist. "I don't feel anything!!!" She cried.
"Make sure you're doing it right." She then instructed her on how to correctly get a reading.
Camille tried again, feeling for the thump in her mother's wrist. After five minutes of suspense she felt a small thud. "Ahh! I felt it! I felt it! Oh my gosh!"
" Okay, just keep it there until the ambulance comes to assure she is still alive." The lady instructed.
Camille started sobbing, she had just got into an argument with her mom for the first time and something like this happens. Camille looks at her mother's face, her makeup all did, nice dress was on. She didn't even know her mom went out. She can't even tell the cops who she was with, or were she went. She has no way of helping find her mother's attacker. Camille cries as she holds her mother's hand, her face becoming pale, her body limp.
"Please mom, don't die... don't leave me here... not by myself...." she begged. "I'm sorry mommy. I love you, I promise I do. I'm so sorry for everything." She started crying and apologizing, for everything, for anything, for her wrongs, for Jhene wrongs, and even things none of them can control like the weather. She put her forehead to her mom's forehead and stayed like that, gripping her hand tightly till the ambulance finally came.


It was now five o'clock as Camille watched as her home turn into a crime scene. Silver, along with many other neighbors who had came outside to see what was happening, crowded around or watched from their door. Silver walked next door to comfort Camille, who had broken down after they told her she couldn't ride in the ambulance with her mother. Camille sat outside in her footie pajamas and cried onto Silver as she held her tight, telling her everything is going to be alright.
Soon the cops finally showed up. Once Silver seen them her heart raced, she then told Camille she was going to her house to get Camille some water, but never came back out. A male and a female detective practically rushed her, ready to bombard her with questions. As soon as they approached her they saw how beat up her face was,  they both looked at each other in worry. 
"Hello, are you the daughter?" The lady asked. Camille didn't look at them, instead she just nodded her head, tears filling her eyes. "I'm detective Gomez and this is my partner,  Smith. " she pointed to Detective Smith, a short gentleman. He was white with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was about 5'4 and very built. Camille and Detective Gomez stood taller than him. Detective Gomez was a Spanish lady and she looked very young, she had silky black her and beautiful eyes. "We are from Homicide and-"
Camille burst out in tears.  "So she's dead? She didn't make it?" Camille looked into the detectives eyes for answers.
"No, she's still alive, this is a possible Homicide. " She assured her.
Camille looked down again, relieved as she let out a breathe of air. Her eyes were starting to burn from all the crying and her head was starting to hurt. She was feeling sick.
"Are you okay with answering a couple of questions?" She asked.
This made Camille break down again. "What is there to tell you?! I don't know anything!" She cried. "You're wasting your time taking to me,  go find who did this!" She yelled as she pointed to know where in particular. The detectives gave each other a look before they turned around and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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