The Lucky Ones(A Justin Bieber fanfic)(Austin Mahone Fanfic)

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Hi!My name is Sarah and I'm 18.I live in Atalanta, and some people may think this is cool,mostly beliebers, but i live on the same street as Justin Bieber. Omg!!ur so lucky!!Get me his kik or his number or his ANYTHING!!!Oh not be be mean but no, I am not ur toy,ok!! Anyways, my BFF is Jordan and she is like the biggest Mahhomie EVER I need to say this but she is super pretty someone needs to hook her and austin mahone up!!But anyways,we both are swefties,barbz,smilers,Rihanna navy,lovatic,ete. I have a little sis,Hannah,which is best friends with jazzy so ya, thts my life!Crazy right?

-Chapter 1- 

I woke up to my phone ringing,quickly not looking at the ID I answered  

"Hello??" I said in a sleepy voice as I rubbed my eyes 

"Hey girly wanna walk my dog with me?" said a voice i know anywhere, it was Jordan 

"Hey!Sure,I'd love to!"I replied while i yawned 

"Great!I'll give u time to shower and stuff." Jordan replied  

"K." I said than I hang up. 

I put my phone on charge and walked to the dresser i grabbed a bra,underwear,a white tank top,bootie shorts,and a light brown belt.I walked to the bathroom I turned on the water and undressed myself,I let my hair down.I claimed in.I let the worm water fall on me for a little and than i started to clean myself really good. 

-15 Minutes later- 

I claimed out,of course shocking wet,and grabbed a towel.I dried my self off than blow-dried than straighten my hair,than put on my clothes.I walked to my room and walked in my walk in closet i put on sandals and than put my hair in a messy bun and put on baby lips.I grabbed my phone and left my room it was around 11:45 when I left the house. i went Jordan's house,which was next door,and saw Jordan with black bootie shorts and a cropped infinity tank top with her hair down and holding her dogs leash. 

"Hey!U ready?" said Jordan  

"Ya,lets go!"I said and than started to walk, Jordan followed. 

We were walking down the street when we Heard a big BOOM and looked over of course it came from Justin's house.And it was a car door slam and of course was Justin's friend, Lil Twist.They did there hand shack and stuff and Justin spotted me I just smiled but in the inside i was like "Oh shit!!" He smiled back and waved 

I mean i had to admit he wasn't tht bad of a guy...............Ok,ok i might have a tiny crush a TINY crush,ok!!I mean, like we are like friends really like its nothing really. 

"Sar,Hey,Hello!!??" Said Jordan as she shock me 

"Wht!!" I said 

"Do u wanna go to the mall when were done??"said Jordan 

"Sure!" I said back to reality  

"K!" Jordan said as we walked again  

"Hey!Sarah,Wait up!"said a voice,I know tht voice,it was Justin 

"Ya?" I said as i said as Justin appears in my face 

"Im having a party tonight,and i was wondering if u guys wanted to come?" He said to me and Jordan 

"Umm..sure!" I said  

"Great it starts at 9:30" said Justin  

"Cool" i said as he left 

"U soo have a crush on him!!" said Jordan 

"I soo do" I said as i looked up at the sky as we started to walk again  

"Aww" Jordan said  

"Omfg, he's so cute" I said  

"I wonder who will be there??!!" said Jordan  

"Celebs!" I said  

"Ya!" said Jordan as she put on her glove and picked up dog poop  

"Lets go" I said as we started to walk home 

-In front of my door- 

"Do u still wanna go to the mall??" said Jordan  

"Naa, hey u wanna go to my house later,before the party??" I said  

"Sure" Jordan said as she left  

I went in a went straight to my room i took. off my sandals and took a nap


I hoped u liked it!!I did Chp 2 is coming!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2013 ⏰

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