Chapper THREE

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Eh I forgot about this I was so into the new year cupcakes I was making *smiles* so here

I did my normal routine and went to school. Everyone stared but not in a good way. I felt a little embarrassed at everyone's actions but kept walking. My friend (y/f/n) came up

"Hey (y/n)!

"Hey (y/f/n)" you sigh

"Eh don't worry about the bitches c'mon we need to plan the next homecoming!"

"Ok!" You said excitedly

You and your friend ran down the hall and got scolded by a teacher two or three times but still ran.

"Here we are!" Said (y/f/n)!

"Ahh the good ol gym"

"Gym sucks" (if your friend loves gym then here) "it's not bad"

"Agreed" you said blandly



"-giggles- ok (y/n/n) (your nick name)"

"Ok we first need streamers, balloons, balloons, tables, cupcakes, cake, punch, and lights, OH and balloons!"

"Ok I'll go tell (other friends you got)!"

"Ok go get them along with the essentials (not the food) in the storage room! They have lots of balloons and streamers with a few tables!"

"Ok (y/n)"

(Y/f/n) left and you got away with sweeping while humming.

Just then you hear the doors open.

You turn around expecting your friends but instead you come face to face with him

"Hey (y/n)" said Jeff quietly

"Hey jeffy!" You said trying to seem outgoing and cool. (How's that goin for ya?)

Jeff chuckled and came over across the gym and took the broom out of your hands.

"I'll help you with that"

"Ya sure?"


After what felt like eternity of y'all taking turns the doors opened and in came (y/f/n) along with some other friends.

"Hey (y/n) hey Jeff!" Said one of your friends

Heya!" You shouted and waved Jeff stayed quiet and looked over his shoulder and gave a small smile.

"Hi" said Jeff quietly

Dammit why is he so cute when he's shy?!

You thought which apparently you said aloud...

Your friends giggled a little leaving Jeff blushing (dawwwww) you giggled at yourself too.

"Oops! Did I say that out loud?! My bad!" You giggled

Y'all got to work which Jeff was able to witness you make the best party ever. Your friends helped decorate and y'all got the music and the streamers and balloons all set up along with the tables and all that jazz.

"Looks good!" You shouted at your friends.

Y'all left for class (FYI class starts later in the day at least for me XD) a little late but like 2 minutes late. Y'all went through classes and the hall seeing poor Jeff being beaten up until lunch.

"Hey Jeff!" You said running up to him with your trey

"Hey" said Jeff

"Sooooo how's class?!" You ask

"Good" "I guess"

"My teacher sucks!"


"Yeah! All he does is talk about future pop quizzes and doesn't even help us know what page we're supposed to use to study! So when the pop quiz come up I get 20's on them!"

"Oh well that sucks" said Jeff quietly but blushing probably remembering what you said earlier in the gym.

Y'all sit next to your friends and Jane comes over and sits with y'all.

"Hiya Jane!"

"Hey (y/n)"

"How is your day so far?!"

"Screwed up"

"Oh well sorry bout that!"

After school you go home and get ready for your party. You get the dress you planned on wearing (again here we go.
Goth: a long slim black dress with long sleeves and a deep red rose belt down on in the middle
Prep: a light pink dress above the knees that has a sweetheart neck line with hems at the top.
Jock: a uhhhhh yeah... A Nike dress I DUNNO
Slut: a dress that's see through and shows dem goodies.... I dunno.
Meeeee Pinkemina: a bright pink dress that stops 2 inches above your knee that has a yello heel and another blue heel that has bright pink bows on the back)

You walked with your friends but soon lost them. You traveled through the people and saw Jeff sitting there with his white hoodie and black dress pants.

"Hey Jeff!"


"Why so sad?"

"I have to go to a stupid birthday party tomorrow and Randy keeps teasing me about it"

"Oh well, screw him!"

"That's easy for you, your the happy girl that everyone loves"

"I'm sure someone like Randy wishes I would burn under the ground"

"Probably not your perfect"

"I have flaws too Jeff, your the perfect one here"

Jeff blushed again.

"Wait! I almost forgot! I need to bake another batch of cupcakes I'll be right back!" You said leaving Jeff anonymous to what was actually going to happen.

You got up and ran over to one of Jeffs many bullies, Morgan (if that's your name choose another name sorry I'm gonna use Morgan tho), you tapped her shoulder and she turned around

"What do you want?!" She snapped

"I need you to help me bake cupcakes!"

Morgan sighed and said

"Fine. BUT YOU OWE ME $50!"

"Deal." You said handing her the money. You knew she would ask that so you were smart

"Ok let's go and make it quick!"

"Of course"

You got home and grabbed baking soda, batter, chocolate, vanilla, icing in other colors, and sprinkles, milk, and set the oven on to heat.

"Ok let's get these cupcakes readay!!!" You yelled

"Sure bitch as long as I have my money"

"Lighten up!"

You told her to try a cupcake you made.

"Taste this I want your opinion"


She ate it and said "taste like shit!?"

"That's not nice!"

She fell on the floor unknowing of why it tasted horrible. You drugged that cupcake and you dragged her down the stairs.

After 15 minutes she woke up


"Hi." You said coming out of the corner your once poofy hair now straight and flat.




Words BYE


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