Chapter 10 // edited

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After I got done with my homework, I went downstair to my mom sitting on the couch.
"Uh.. mom, I have a little question.", I said and she looked at me. "Ask away, hun.", she laughed and I nodded. "How many rooms do we have there?", I asked curiously. "Hm.. Well, one for us, one for Michael and Gina (Lets's pretend they are Camerons parents ), one for Ian and his girlfriend and one for you and Cameron. So four.", she smiled and I sighed. "Ians grilfriend is coming too?", I asked kinda sad. "Yes, she is.", she confirmed and I sighed. Damn it. I will have to sleep in one bed with Cam or I'll sleep on the floor. Or he does. That's the better idea. I will just push him off the bed. That should work.

Alex called me and the annoying ringing really hurt my ears. "Hey, what's up?", I asked her. "Nothing really. Are you up for hanging out?", she asked and I shrugged. "Yeah, where?", I asked and she coughed. "My house?", she asked and I agreed. I put on some shoes and was ready. I haven't changed my clothes from school yet, so I could go. I told my mom and then just left. Alex lived 10 minutes away, so I decided to go. Wrong decision. I was freezing my butt off. "Need a ride?", I heard someone say and turned to the car next to me. Cameron. "Depends where you're driving to?", I said and he nodded. "To Alex, you too?", he said and I sighed. I opened the door and sat down. "Well, guess we're both going there.", he said with a smirk and I buckled my seatbelt. He kept his smirk and I looked out of the window. I already regretted to say yes to Alex. The ride was in awkward silence, but just because Cameron made it awkward.

Every stoplight he just looked at me while grinning. What an idiot. I didn't even bother to look at him. Just his presence was annoying and still I kinda enjoyed it. I knew that he looked at me and I decided to look back. But he just kept starring. Not the reaction that I wanted. He should look away, but I started blushing. Damn it. "I can make you blush.", Cameron laughed. "A lot can make me blush.", I shot back, but he kept smiling. "You know, it's actually really cute, when you try to be mean. It never works.", he said and I sighed. "Thanks?", I said annoyed and he nodded. "You're welcome, beautiful.", he said and I blushed even more. God, I hate myself sometimes. Damn you cheeks. "Could you not?", I said and he let out a little laugh. "Could I not what? Making you blush?", he said with raised eyebrows. "Yeah..", I mumbled and he pinched my cheeks. "Your cheeks are boiling.", Cameron laughed and I looked on my feet. "Don't do that.", he said lifting my face up with two of his fingers on my chin. "You're adorable.", he laughed and we stopped driving. "Thank god, we're finally here.", I said and entered the house as quick as possible. I literally ran inside.

"Alex, hey!", I said and hugged her just like I haven't seen her in over 3 years."Woah, hey.", she laughed and hugged back. As I pulled away I looked around and again it was kinda a party. "We're not playing truth or dare again.", I laughed and she nodded pulling me with her. There were people in a circle sitting on the floor, including Cameron. "No, Alex.", I said, but she dragged me there. We sat next to each other and some guy I've never seen before spun the bottle. With my luck, it landed on me. Great. "Truth or dare.", he asked and I sighed. I never really was the truth type. I never liked telling my secrets to strangers. "Dare.", I said with regret in my voice. "7 minutes in heaven with..", he started and I prayed to god it wouldn't be Cameron. "Let's keep in familiar. Just like yesterday.. Cameron.", he said in an evil voice and I stood up regretting everything. I shouldn't be here. And Ethan wasn't here either. I should be making out with him. "C'mon let's go.", Cameron said with a smirk and pulled my in the next room. As he closed the door, I sat down on the bed. It was Alex' bedroom. "So this time, you want to make out on the bed?", he laughed and pinned me down.

"Cameron, I said it yesterday and I will say it today. I have a freaking boyfriend!", I said and tried to stand up, but he was basically sitting on me. "And I said it yesterday and today too. Screw him.", Cameron said and started kissing me. I really didn't want to kiss back, but he was such a good kisser. It felt so good. Damn it. "See? I knew you like it.", he said as he pulled back a bit. "Could you shut the fuck up.", I said annoyed and smashed my lips on his again. I really wanted him to kiss me. He was so good. I could feel his smile in the kiss and that was so cute. Just the knowledge, that you could make someone smile because of a kiss was an amazing feeling. Someone knocked on the door and we stopped the kiss. "That was even better than yesterday.", he said and stood up. "So happy for you.", I said annoyed and headed to the door. As I was about to leave the room, Cameron pulled me back and pinned me to a wall.

"Don't try to fight it.", he whispered and kissed me one last time, before we both left and joined the others again. The rest of the night, I decided to stick with the good old truth, because the chance to make out with Cameron again was too big. No risk taking anymore. Not with these people. As it turned 11pm, I decided to leave and said goodbye to everyone. "Cameron?", I asked and he looked up. "Can you.. uh.. give me ride back home?", I asked shyly. It was soo cold outside and it was dark as fuck, so I was kinda scared. "Sure.", he said shrugging and we sat in the car. As he was about to say something I cut him off. "Don't even say a thing about the kiss.", I warned him and he laughed. I didn't want to hear a word about it. All I knew was, that it was wrong and that I shouldn't have enjoyed it. It was a horrible idea. But it was a good one at the time. As we finally arrived, he parked at his house and we both got out of the car. "Are you gonna walk me home like yesterday?", I asked him as he walked up next to me. "Yup.", he laughed popping the 'p'. I sighed and nodded. I started walking faster, because I just wanted to get over with that. "Slow down!", Cameron said and pulled me back a bit. I nodded and he smiled.

"You really wanna go home right?", he laughed and I sighed. "Kinda.", I smiled back. I was really rude actually. "I don't have to walk you home, you know? See you tomorrow at school.", Cameron said, but I heared sadness in his voice. "No! No, Cameron. Walk me home, please. It's dark and you know.. uh... someone could.. kidnap me.", I said and he turned around with a smile on his face. "And don't say anything cocky now.", I said, he nodded and laid his arm around my shouder. I gave him a little smile, then just looked on the street. Maybe I was acting too bitchy..So I decided to be a little nicer to him, since you know..we're kind of friends.

As we arrived in front my house there was this awkward silence again. "Well, goodnight.", I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back very tightly. "Can't breathe, Cameron.", I gasped laughing and he let go. "Sorry..", he said and blushed a bit. "Oh, so I can make you blush too?", I said with one raised eyebrow. "Shut up.", he whispered and kissed me. "Cameron, could you maybe stop kissing me? I have a boyfriend and this isn't truth or dare anymore.", I said pushed him away. "Wish it would be though.", he winked and turned to leave. "See you at school tomorrow.", I laughed as he turned around to say something again. "I'll give you a ride.", he winked to me and left. "Oh, hey Ethan.", Cameron said and I looked up. Ethan? Oh no...


OOOHHHOOO what a long chapter!! Daaaaamn... I decided since it's 2016 now and I'm home and have nothing to do, I'll post something. It's 3am here now, but will I go to sleep? NO. As simple as that :) It's freaking new year what do you expect. Hope you enjoyed that chapter :)

Have a great day/night and I love you :) <3

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