Chapter 2: Backstage

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As the man spoke all you could think about was that Oliver DID WINK TO YOU!!! As the man escorted you to the where Oliver was (which was backstage) , all of your friends were screaming and following you. "Please, wait here. Oliver wants her...alone." The man said stubbornly. Without another word, the man pulled you behind the stage. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you walked past each person. Hopping that Oliver wasn't that far away. As the man walked in front of you, you asked,"Why exactly does Oliver want to see me?" Your voice trembled with fear, and excitement. But mostly excitement. But, as you expected, the man stayed silent.

As you and the man scoured backstage for Oliver, you finally ran into Jordan. "Where's Oliver?" The man asked. "I saw him run to the bus after he show. Said he needed to do something." What could Oliver be doing you thought. But as soon as the thought came, it faded as the man showed you to the tour bus.

As you were eagerly pushed into the bus, you saw Oliver. He was laying down on the couch, sweat covering the surrounded the area where he was laying. Since it was like 104 degrees outside, you all were sweating. He suddenly sat up.  "Thank you Greg." Oliver told the man behind you. The man gave a scuffled gruff and stepped out of the bus. Leaving you  and Oliver alone. You've always imagined what you would do if you met Oliver, but no situation like this ever came to mind. "Sit" he said pointing to the chair across from him. So without question or hesitation, you sat. "So, I heard you call me with my middle name." Oliver growled. He seemed so mad, or just embarrassed. You had no words to speak. Your cheeks turned blood red with embarrassment, and the fear the now the only person you've ever loved in the world now hated you.

Y'all sat in silence for what seemed like forever but only a minute. Then Oliver finally started to speak. "Why did you call me Oliver Scott Sykes?" He questioned. You stood frozen for a few moments before saying," I don't really know. I called out Oli, but you didn't look at me. Then I just tried to see if me yelling your middle name would change that. And I guess it worked." You said trying to amp up the mood. He just sat in silence. "Well," he sat back and relaxed on the couch," No one has ever called me with my middle name before. Except my mum when she's mad." You breathed a silent gasp of relief. Now you know he isn't going to kill you.

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