Someone Will Most Likely Die

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Everyone at the brefast table looked at Bruce with a mixture of shock and horror. No one wanted to belive what he just said.

"There is no way in HELL I am going ANYWHERE with anyone here."

"Father is this some sick and twisted form of torture?" Damian asked.

"For once in my life I agree with demon spawn." Tim said.

"Who will watch Gotham while we're gone?" Barbara asked.

"Bruce, you do realize someone will DIE on this trip." Dick said.

"Master Bruce I agree with Master Richard, someone will most likely die." Alferd added.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Bruce screamed. "We are going on a family vaction for two weeks. No, this is not torture and no, no one will die. Pack your bags, now." Every Batkid ran up the stairs to their respective rooms to pack.

"Master Bruce do you really think this is a good idea?" Alferd asked. Bruce took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm honestly not shure. I just want my sons and what I hope will someday be my daughter in law have a break from all things Gotham."

The Butler smiled, "That is a very worth-"

"YOU SON OF A B*TCH GIVE ME BACK MY SWIM TRUNKS!" Jason yelled from upstairs.

Bruce finished his coffee. Maybe he didn't think through this, batfamily vaction.

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