Chapter 2: A Heart at War

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Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight                         Banner by LOS

A/N: To distinguish the doubles, I have dubbed the first girl, Bella, the second, Bells. Edward who is running will be Edward, and his double, Eddie. I hope that will keep them all straight in your minds (as well as mine).

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The distraught vampire crossed into the other world, telling himself that he had to leave Bella behind for her own safety, even though it would amount to emotional suicide. At least this way, she couldn't follow his trail. Deliberately, the eCod (electronic cross over device) was left lying in the forest, along with his class ring, where Carlisle could find it again. The note he put on the computer for his adoptive father should be read by now. He hoped that Carlisle would accept his apology for borrowing the eCod, and would understand the reasons why he stole it, and also why he neglected to take it with him. Going back through the transfer tunnel was now impossible, and that was a necessary decision on his part. He was here to stay on Terros II. His former earth and all its memories were a thing of the past.

He knew what he was getting into; after all, he read the thoughts of every family member. Carlisle had given him the information about the machine involuntarily, never once dreaming that his son could make use of it. Each trial run and mental note of what the scientist encountered was safely tucked away in Edward's brain. And so, as he stepped from the halo, it was like the backside of a mirror. The time line here on Terros II was eight or nine months ahead of Earth's, so instead of observing the turning leaves of autumn, he noted the bright green of early summer. He wondered about the time discrepancy between the worlds, and what it meant, but had to accept it as fact, and nothing more. At any rate, it wasn't as if he could do a thing about it.

The pale figure was in the woods near the Swans' backyard once more, and from there he could see ahead to Bella's house—or more correctly, the house of Bella's double.

Pangs of longing gripped his stony heart as he looked up at her window. Would it hurt to take one last glance of his love before disappearing forever?

It was not unexpected to hear her crying. The lies he told her this day were monstrous, torturing them both, and her pitiful sobs went through him like a wrecking ball. He quickly made his plan to zip in and out of her bedroom; a breeze would be all she would notice. The window was open as usual. Perhaps she thought he would change his mind and come back to her?

He flew through the casement; a veritable comet, but what he found there in the bed made him abruptly halt his trajectory.

* * * * *

Jacob couldn't move. The pain was so bad, he wanted to scream out loud, but his voice was hoarse from all the screaming he'd just unleashed a few minutes ago. Where was Carlisle and the Dilaudid drip he promised? Dammit, even his eyes were swollen and red, not because of the lousy newborn though. It was because of his Bells. Well, he actually couldn't call her that anymore could he? The girl had made her choice, and it wasn't him.

Her words had shattered his heart. It splintered in more pieces than the bones that the vamp had crushed. You'd think after an awesome kiss at the summit of the snowy mountain, that she'd see the light. He'd put his life on the line for her too, and he was now literally a heap of broken human bits, but no ...

The memories of that meeting stung him cruelly. Bells had timidly entered his room, and he heard her gasp as she witnessed, first hand, the battered remains of her best friend. Jeez, unfortunately, she'd probably heard the racket he'd been making earlier as Carlisle reset his bones, and now had a ringside seat to gaze at the mess that was left of him.

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