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12 weeks.

Today I went to another ultrasound. Zayn came with, Niall couldn't because his Mum wanted him to go Christmas shopping with her. They would shop so late.

I did my Christmas shopping last month. I haven't gotten Zayn anything though. I have to remember before stores close. I'll go tomorrow.

Christmas is in 4 days. I'm not expecting much I dont really want anything either.

Currently I am finishing up wrapping the presents I bought for my Dad and Niall. I put them under my bed when I'm done. Now I have nothing to do.

I get my phone and listen to music. Lego House by Ed sheeran starts to play. I love this song so much. I hum along to the words and clean up my room a bit.

When I'm almost done I start to get a cramp. I hate these. It feels like someone is stabbing me in my stomach. I sit on my bed and lay down hoping the pain will go away.

"Ahh," I say as it starts to hurt more. "Ow," I roll over to my side and curl up in to a ball.

I grab my phone and turn off the music. I try to ignore the pain but it hurts so bad. I call Nialls phone but all I get is voicemail.

"Damn you Niall," I groan and call my dad.

"Liam?" He picks up.

"Dad," I complain. "It hurts so bad,"

"Warm a a damp towel and take some Advil. I'll be hom in a few hours," He instructs. "I gotta go see you later," he says then hang ups. That was really helpful. Note the sarcasm.

I honestly just want someone here with me. I need cuddles.

I get up slowly and do what my dad said. I lay back on the bed and put the towel on my stomach. I try to ignore the lain but it feel like its getting worse.

I grab my phone again and call Zayn. It rings a few times but then someone picks up.

"Hello?" A female voice says. It sounds familiar I just can't put a name on it.
"Is Zayn there?" I groan as a shockwave of pain goes through my back.

"Yeah just a second," I hear her call for him. I hear him say 'I told you not to pick up my phone Perrie'. So Perrie is with him. I wonder what they were doing.

"Hello," he says after a moment.

"Zayn can you come over please," I practically beg. I need someone right now.

"Li whats wrong?" He asks sounding concerned.

"It hurts so bad Zaynie,"

"I'll be over in a minute," Zayn says then hangs up.

Zayns P.O.V

I hurry and put on some pants and a shirt. I grab my keys and am about to leave when I hear Perrie.

"Where are you going?" She asks as she walks up to me with a sheet wrapped around her.

"I have to go. Liam needs me," I say and peck her on the lips.

"Why are suddenly such close friends with that loser?" She asks.

"He isn't a loser Perrie. I will see you tomorrow babe I promise," I say then leave. She doesn't say anything back which im glad for since I'm in a hurry.

I get in my var and drive tp his house. When I get there I get the key from the plant I akways see Liam grab when his dads not home.

I unlock the door and call for him.

I hear him groaning as I walk ip the stairs and to his room. When I open his door I see him laying in his bed with a towel set on his belly.

"Liam?" I ask and walk over to him. "Whats wrong?" I get on the bed and sit next to him.

"My stomach hurts so bad," he complains.

"Why? Oh god is something wrong with the baby? I need to take you to the hos-," I am cut off by Liam laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I chuckle.

"It's just a cramp. It hurts like hell but its just a cramp," He groans.

"Why do you need me?" I ask. He smiles at me and blushes.

"I was lonely and I want cuddles," He says.

"What about Niall?"

"He didnt pick up," he pouts. He called Niall first. Why didnt he call me first? Why do I care?


"So cuddles?" Liam askd making grabby hands at me. I nod and lay down. I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his waist. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck and sighs.

"Better?" I ask, he nods his head.

"Can you sing to me?"


"Please," I sigh and peck his head. I can't say no to him.

"Im gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house, if things go wrong we can knock it down," Liam hums and smiles against my neck.

"I love this song,"

"I know,"

"My three words have two meanings,

and theres one thing on my mind, it's all for you,

and it's dark in a cold december, but I've got you to keep me warm,

If you're broken I will mend you, and I'll keep you sheltered from he storm thats raging on,

Im out of touch, I'm out of love,

I'll pick you up when you're getting down," I pause and look down at Liam whose fallen asleep with a smile on his face. I kiss his cheek.

"And out of all these things I've done, I think I love you better now,"

A/N: So that was that. What do you think Liam got Zayn for Christmas? Next chap was supposed to be 15 weeks but I think im gonna do a Christmas chapter c: I know its passed but idgaf c: hope u liked until next time OREOS.

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