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17 Weeks.

Two arms wrap around my waist as I close my locker. I smile. Louis whispers 'Hey beautiful' in my ear.

"Hi," I say back and turn to fave him. He pecks my lips and rests his hands on my very lower back. "Whats up?" I ask playing with his unbuttoned flannel.

"I want you to sit with me at my table," he says.

"I cant," If I sit there Zayn will see us together. We haven't exactly made our "relationship" public yet. Its only been two weeks anyways.

"Why not?"

"I always sit with Niall," I say looking away from his gaze. He gets a bit jealous of how Niall and I hang out.

"He can sit with us," Louis says kissing my cheeks. 'Please' he mumbles against my cheek.

"Fine," I huff. He pulls away from me and cheers. He drags me with him to the cafeteria. We are the first to sit at his table. He insisted that I sit on his lap.

After awhile we just start shamelessly flirting not even noticing all the people at the table until someone clears there throat.

I look to see Zayn glaring at Louis. What the hell? I smile t him and his face immediately softens. He smiles back looking me in the eyes.

His eyes are a beautiful hazel brown. I hope our kid has his eyes. Maybe my lips. I don't know. They would be perfect either way.

"Liam?" I look away from Zayn and focus on Louis.

"Hmm," I hum and rest my head on his shoulder. Its not completely comfortable but it works.

"Theres Niall," I see Niall walking over to the table. I get up and walk over to him.

"Why are we sitting over here?" Niall asks confused pointing to the table with his free hand.

"Louis wants us to," I say. "Leta go sit," I say and walk back. I sit on Louis' lap again and Niall sits in the chair next to me.

I notice Niall looking at spme boy. I cant quite remember his name. Easton I think.

"So when did this happen?" Harry asks glaring at me. I swear if looks could kill I would be dead. I see Louis' smirking at Harry. Then he kisses me on the cheek.

"About two weeks ago," Louis says never not looking away from Harry. I smile to myself.

Fucking idiot. He could have tild e he just wanted to get Harry jealous.

No wonder he hasnt kissed me like he did on the first night. He also only touches me intimately like in the hallway at random times. I'll talk to him later.

Meanwhile Niall is still staring at that lad. Zayn is still glaring at Louis. Harry is still glaring at me.

-Louis' House-

"Why didnt you tell me jackass?!" I exclaim and hit Louis on the arm.

"Ow. Why didnt I tell you what?" He asks s he takes a bite of his apple.

"That you just wanted to makes Harry jealous," I state the obvious. He looks away from me and blushes.

"How did you know?"

"I'm not blind Lewis," I say eating my pickle.

"Aye dont call me that," He says sternly setting his apple down.

"Oh I'm so scared Lewis," I say waving my hands in the air.

"You should be," he says chasing after me. I run aeay from him. But he is too fast. He grabs me by my waist and spins me around. Gently laying me on the floor.

He gets on top of me.

"What did you call me?" He asks.

"Louis?" I squeak. He chuckles then kisses cheek.

"You are something else," he says helping me up.

"Thank you," I say then there is a knock on the door. Louis goes to open it and when he returns an Angry looking Zayn and Harry enter the living room.

Louis and Harry go up to his room to talk as me and Zayn sit in the living room.

"You and Louis?" I nod. He stays quiet for a minute. "You and Louis?" He asks again but in more disbelief. I nod again.


"Why what?"

"Why Louis?"

"Because he asked,"

"So you're going out with him cause he asked?" I nod. We sit in silence and then we hear moans coming from Louis' room. I laugh and tale a bite of my pickle.

"Why are you laughing? Louis and Harry are obviously dping things in there and your laughing," Zayn rushes out.

"Yeah cause Louis only wanted to date me to get Harry jealous," I explain.

"But you said you and Louis were together,"

"No thats what you assumed. But I just found out today too so whatever," I say then all of a sudden my face is bing grabbed and I feel lips on mine.

To be continued...

A/N: Lilo didn't last long. Sadness I did this instead cuz honestly I want Ziam forever so yeah. Its not my best but whatever its rushed and probably terrible sorry.

Tongue Tied. // ziamWhere stories live. Discover now