one //

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Juliette's POV

*First Day of School*

I woke up  because of that stupid sound from my alarm clock. Shit it is. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

 After taking a shower for 25 minutes, I went to my closet and grabbed a black dress. (dress to the side>>)

I went to my accessory place and picked a bracelet that my dad gave me before he died. I put my clothes on and tied my hair up in a ponytail. Ugh, I hate it that way. So instead, I just let it down. I brushed my hair once more and went downstair to eat some breakfast. 

"Good morning, sweet heart." Mom said.

"Morning." I groaned

"What is that tone? Early in the morning and you're using a tone with me?" She almost yelled.

"What? Can i just eat my breakfast mom? I'm really hungry. And I'm almost late." I said in a hurry.

"Fine." She said and handed me my pancakes.

Yum, I thought to myself.

Mom is a cook, by the way. She's a chef.

But anyways, After i ate, I went to the main door and grabbed my bag. "Bye mom," I yelled.

"Bye!" She replied. 

I went to school, It was huge. It was bigger than my old school. I walk down the hallway to find my room, and I caught almost all the boys staring at me, or my dress? I don't know. I don't care. So, I just ignored them and  went to my room.

When I got there, I glanced around the room to find a seat. I saw one, at the back near the window. PERFECT.

I sat there, Alone.

I was kinda happy 'cause I am not in my old school anymore. I've been bullied and taunted there. I was a shamed of myself, really.

Then someone tapped my back, which annoyed me.

"What?" I yelled as I turned my head.

"Sorry, Juliette. Did I ruined your moment?" A girl said.


"Omg. Eleanor?" I asked.

"uhuh. Did I distracted you or-" I cut her off by hugging her.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"Aww, I miss you too." She said. Eleanor sat beside me.

We talked so much, a lot of things. It was actually fun talking to her. I miss Eleanor, I miss my best friend.

"Uh, Juliette? "She asked.

"What?" I said.

"Have you met your perfect guy?" she asked.

I shrugged.

"C'mon. I'm going to introduce you to someone later..after our class." She suggested.

I frowned, "Again?"

She nods. I just hate the way Eleanor lend me a date to other guys, I dont even know. I hate it. I can't help but smile at her. I just really miss her that's all. I'm doing this for her. 

* * *

After our homeroom, Eleanor grabbed my hand.

"El,Wait." I yelled

"What is it now?" She groaned

"My bag, I left it." I said.

She sighed.

I ran to the classroom to get it. "Let's go." She said eagerly

We went to this restaurant that she told the guy we should meet at. Great!

"What's this place again?" I asked looking around.

"Nando's sweetie." she said.

I nod.

why do I even bother going here?

"Why are we here again?" I asked turning to Eleanor. She didn't reply. She kept glancing at the door.

"Who are you waiting?" I asked then I chuckled.

"What? yeah, I'm waiting for the lads actually." She said.

"Lads?" I asked confused.

"Lads.. the guys.." She chuckled.

"I see.." I said.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked Eleanor.  

She nods.

I went to the bathroom and took a pee. Who is that guy he's talking about? Is he cute?Is he the right guy for me? Ugh, i don't fucking know okay? So I went to the sink to wash my hands before going back there.

I went out the bathroom and saw 5 boys kissing Eleanor's cheek.

Ohh, Eleanor.

"Oh, here she is.. Lads.. meet Juliette." She said pointing at me.

"Hey." I said.

They all waved at me.

I smiled. "Oh yeah, Juliette meet harry. My..boyfriend's best mate." She said pointing at that curly haired lad.

"Hey." He said.

We shook hands.

He was shaking.

"Just Chill okay? I don't bite" I said.

He chuckled.

"I'm Harry.. And you?" He asked.

"Juliette..." I stated.

He nods.

I see... Now I know him.

"Juliette... Here is Niall, Zayn and Liam." He said pointing at each and one of them.

"Oh.. Hey." I smiled cheekily.

"I supposed you know Louis right?" She said sending me a 'just bear with me' look

"Like yeah, I know him. You're always skyping him almost everyday." I said.

They all laughed.

"Can we order? My tummy is getting mad." Niall said.  

We all laughed and I sat near Harry, so I could know him better. He is smiling at me, I can see it.

"Is Niall always like that?" I whispered at him.

"Yeah." He smiled cheekily. "So,um..I really don't get this DATE THING. is this a date?" I asked him, still whispering.

"I don't know either. Eleanor thinks we're good for each other because we're both single." he stated.

"That girl." I pouted.

We both chuckled.

"What's so funny eh?" Eleanor asked. We both shrugged which caused All of them to smile.

"You're cute together." Louis stated. My cheeks were burning.. I can feel it. I looked at Harry, so as him.

"Look, You're both blushing." Louis joked.

"Whatevs." I said.

Harry giggled

Louis rolled his eyes, and smiled. I smiled back. 

After that 'DATE THING' with the lads.. Harry suggested that he could just drive me home. So he did We went inside his car.

"Harry, Are you going to drive me home now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" he asked.

"I don't want to go home yet." I said.

"What? where do you want to go then?" He asked.

"Anywhere. To place i've never been to." I suggested.

He sighed but nodded. So he drove me to  a place..I dont really know what place it is. But it's near a pond, and by that I was happy that he brought me there. I am really happy when I see ponds  :) 

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