four //

7 3 0

That's when reality hit me. 

Harry is kissing me.

He is.

the weird thing is.. i'm kissing him back.

I pulled away, "Oh my gosh, Harry. No."

"I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened." He frowned

"Why'd you kiss me?" I asked

"I don't know," he spoke

I don't know. 

I don't know.

He fucking kissed me and he doesn't know why.

"Do you like me Harry?"

"I-uh, yeah." he said looking down

"Are you embarrassed?" 

"No, I'm just scared that you'll reject me." he said slowly

"I won't, because I like you." I murmured softly cupping his cheeks.

"You what?" his eyes widen

"I  like you Harry, so much." I said then kissed him.

It took a minute for him to respond, but he did. 

Our little innocent kiss turned into something passionate. He bit my lower  lip asking for entrance, I opened my mouth slightly and he slipped his tongue in. 

I pulled away slowly, "I love you Harry."

"You mean that?" his voice stern

"Harry, I will never say something I don't mean." I replied, smiling cheekily.

"I love you." He pecked my lips.


"Hmm?" he hummed

"Are we like together now?" I ask him seriously.

"Do you want to?" 

"Si, Oui, Ja, Sea (shah), Hai, Yes! in every language!" i smiled yet again

"You're mine forever." 

"I am, promise not to leave me?" I asked, cocking a brow

"I promise, I love you."

"I love you. Wow, look at us, it's like two weeks ago, we were just friends, and now? in a relationship." I gestured at me and him.

"Yeah, the essence of love."   

"You're so cheesy." i kissed him

"It's getting cold, we should go back and change." he said once we pulled away

"Yeah, we should." I laughed

We went back and changed into our clothes. Then something caught my attention.


Someone is singing, I looked around to find no one. I turned to harry to ask him but once I saw him, he's actually the one singing.

"Kiss me, Like you wanna be loved

you wanna be loved,

this feels like falling inlove,

faliing in love, 

We're falling in love." he sang

My vision became blurred, And a tear streamed down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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