Chapter 11 -Introducing-

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She is ok now this early morning of twentieth of January, she can do something more than she can’t do something past hours ago. She talking to me while she is sitting in the bed of the hospital.

LEX: “You can introduce me to your family. I am really ready now.”

ME: “Ok. If you are ok and Fox suggest that you can go out of this hospital.”

Seven o’clock, Fox suggest that Alexa can go out from the hospital. I pack her things in her bag and bring it to the car. Alexa is walking in the hallway of the hospital. I immediately come to her for a help to walk. I see her wounds put a scar on her feet.

ME: “He is really don’t know what trouble he done.”

LEX: “What?!”

ME: “Aries. Is still alive.”

LEX: “How?! I see him turn into ashes.”

ME: “Wrong Aries. He is just a puppet of him.”

LEX: “What?!”

ME: “Yes.”

LEX: “But…….”

ME: “Shhh. I am here to protect you.”

I carry her like a bride’s carry. She push me back and ask,

LEX: “What are you doing?”

ME: “Mrs. Omani carry?!”

LEX: “Cliff, I am yours forever. I promise.”

ME: “I know.”

Then she didn’t refuse to carry her by that style of carry. I put her in her seat inside my car and I close her door gently. I walk towards my side and open my door and jump inside my car. I start the engine and it roars aloud. We leave the parking lot of the hospital and we go at our house. We are exactly near, I look for her any signs of she is ok. Then a little snore been hear.

ME :”OW she is ok.”

She been awake by my little tone voice,

LEX: “HMM?!”

ME: “Nothing. Just sleep. You need it.”

LEX: “No. I am ok now.”

ME: “Ok. We are exactly near.”

Then some smile put on her face. I stop the car near to the main door, Dana is preparing something, Eugene teach Ella how to play plays station, and Tiffany is watering the plants in her little green house inside her room. Jiao leave the house for a little hunt.

ME: “Were here.”

LEX: “Wow.”

ME: “What?! Do you think it is a kind of castle?!”

LEX: ”No.”

I jump out of my car and walk towards her side. I open the door and I help her to stand and walk towards our house. She look on her foot and see a green pigment of grass floorings. Then I stop and curios.

ME: “What?! OW, Dana loves plants and she pass it on my sister Tiffany, so, she is the one who is taking good care of it.”

LEX: “Well. How about when winters come?”

ME: “It’s disappear.”

LEX” Ok. So let’s take a little walk while talking.”

ME: “Your suggestion is really good. Come.”

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