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Well, save for the occasional click of a pen and the shuffle of feet against the floor. Maybe it was not that silent. It sure seemed that way as Luke watched the teacher write something illegible on the board as her mouth moved mechanically - as if she had done this a thousand times before.

Luke's mouth twitched and he looked down at his notebook, seeing doodles his hand had absentmindedly drawn. The teachers bored, grey aura swished around her as she swayed from side to side. Her hands were raised and moving rapidly as if to explain something. Luke was pretty sure his eyes were grey - hell, he knew he was bored - like the colour of the sky outside, he noted, which was full of dark rain threatening clouds that pushed along quickly at the strong force of the wind.

The tree tall enough to reach the third story battered against the windowpane; the branches were scraping against the glass harshly and that only added to the noise.

Luke took note of the boy next to him; a dyed redhead with gills on his neck that he'd occasionally rub some water on to keep them alive. He was almost positive that the boys name was Michael Clifford, the best friend of Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin.

Michael had an eyebrow piercing that reflected the gloominess of outsides weather. His eyes were green, the murky type the fish boy belonged in, for he could breathe underwater. The colours and shades occasionally mixing like tumbling waters. Life before this place could not have been  easy for the boy with the red coloured lips next to him, unless he wore a scarf everyday, which Luke, for some reason, doubted.

Calum Hood sat two rows behind Luke and Michael and he seemed to watch the teacher attentively, simultaneously scribble everything she said down. Calum had two star tattoos under his left sided jaw and the would change shapes depending on the weather, which he could easily control. Luke wondered if outsides weather had anything to do with the boy according to the sad look in his usually happy brown eyes. He wore a red beanie covering his brown hair with blonde streaks and it managed to bring out his eyes.

Ashton Irwin seemed to any other, human looking and Luke decided that he couldn't have been bullied much before becoming a border at the school, but he didn't know what could have happened in Ashton's past and personal life, Luke would admit. He was extraordinary however, despite his completely human appearance. Ashton could withstand any threatening effects that anyone, anything or even Mother Nature could pull on him. He never got sick, nor did he immobilise when his girlfriend - who also had the ability to put people under love spells - touched him. It seemed ironic that his girlfriend Stacey Gray had a powerful love charm but could never touch anyone, as they would turn to stone for hours. Ashton had a strong facial structure, a pointed jaw and sharp nose. His cheekbones sat high and were arched like an Angels wings, his eyebrows serious yet curved gracefully - he was beautiful. And, well, Luke was jealous of his eyes, a beautiful mixture of hazel and a light green with golden flecks around the pupil. Ashton's lips were pink and plump and could only be described as sinful.

And let's just say that Ashton didn't catch him staring and he didn't wink at Luke, and the blonde boy blush and that it was all a figment of likes vivid imagination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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