chapter 4 why!

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Meanwhile where naruto is training he seems not to be able to get sasuke out his mind he didnt know why no matter what,the image of sasuke always pop up in his mind walk walk around the training area clearing his mind but all he could think is that asshole,sasuke."WHY!WHY CAN'T I GET YOU OUTTA OF MY MIND!" naruto yelled he pulled his hairs out like he was gonna pull it from his scalpe he kick the ground,punch trees.
'kit you need to calm down or you destroy the whole forest...' he sigh calmly ' now that your calm,lets head back to the hotel and rest' kyuubi explain naruto sigh and walk towards the hotel.

Naruto walk in the room and went the bed and sit down and thinking about his friends back in the leaf village
kiba,hinata,sai,shino,neji,gaara,and bushy brows.(etc) ".........sasuke......" he mumble then he realize what he said he shake his head side to side trying to get his name out of his mind. He lay on his back 'what wrong kit?' kyuubi ask naruto ignore him he didnt feel like talking to no one right he just wanted to be alone just like what uchiha and haruno did to him he sigh and went to the restroom and took a bath.He stripped and turn on the water to warm and got in "ah~....this is what i needz
to clear my mind" naruto close his eyes and relax in his bath.

(after naruto bath)
Naruto came out and got dress into different clothes he look around to see what to do but all you hear is silence.naruto was used to the silence when his parents died and when sasuke betray  him.naruto look at the rime and its only 6:30 p.m so he had time to explore the village,hopefully not being notice bu orochimaru or kabuto,he went out of the door and walk out the hotel,then started to explore the village.

(meanwhile at the leaf village a/n also when i said they were in eighth and there in high school what i mean is that the middle school and high schools are together)

Right now at kohona high school,in the cafeteria you could see poeple talking or useing there phones.At a table were naruto friends and at the other side was people who betray naruto the 'so call friends' some began to glare at eachother or they just ignore them "hey ino,how long has naruto been gone?" Hinata ask she thought for a while then repiled " for about 2 weeks" everybody sigh it seems they get depressed everyday ever since naruto left,they heard laughter at the other side of the table and look at them sakura and sasuke were laughing "whats so funny assholes" kiba said they continue to laugh they look at them and smirk "its seems like he was never here in the first place" sakura snicker ino clenched her hands into a fist she slammed her hands with anger remembering what Sasuke did to choji,she felt tears run down her cheeks her eyes were close tightly and cried look at her and smirk also sasuke did the same "aww is poor ino-pig gonna cry cause her boyfriend got hurt" sakura said in a sarcastic tone,everybody in the cafeteria look at ino wondering why is she crying but shikamaru found out that she like choji.

"Shut up....." ino mumble sakura heard and smirk again "Sorry ino what was that?" she repiled and look at ino and with her smirk grew wider. Ino didn't say anything she wanted to think what will naruto say in this situation then she came uo with somthing.

"I SAID TO SHUT UP ARE YOU DEATH,OR WHAT,HUH?! YOU ALWAYS THINK YOUR SO MUCH BETTER THEN EVERYBODY JUST BECAUSE YOUR DATING SASUKE!"  ino yelled she breath heavily everybody was shocked sakura stood up and walk towards and death stare her she brought her hand up to get ready to slapped her but lee grab sakura hand before she could slap her "I'm sorry sakura but i wont allow you hurt my friends" lee said he tighten the gril of sakura hand, ahe tried to escape from his gril but failed he soon let her go and sat back down.

"Thanks lee.." ino mumble lee gave her a thumbs up and smile sakura rolled her eyes ans touch her brusied wrist "you know lee you have a lot of nerve touching my sakura" sasuke said he walk towards him and grab him by the shirt "and your gonna wish you have never touch her" sasuke raised his fist and lee shut his eyes tightly hopping he wont do it, sasuke launch his fist at lee but he didnt hit him his hand was stop by sand.

"Now uchiha if i were you get away from my friends especially my lee" gaara said in a horrified voice sasuke got away from gaara sand "whatever" sasuke said and walk away gaara turn to lee who was blushing mess,gaara smile sweetly at lee "why....why do you like me?" lee question gaara smile again and touch lee cheek "cause my lee your the most sweetest person and i regret hurting you when we were younger" gaara said lee had tears in his eyes and jump uo to kiss gaara,he was surprise that lee made of move but slowly close his eyes and back. They pull away and smile some people 'aww' and the others gave them disgusted faces.

Gaara and lee ignore them they didnt care about what thye got to say as long they eachother there happy.

"i wanna ask you again sasuke.....why...why did you do it to naruto...why him why, does it have to be him?" kiba asked he shut his eyes tightly try to hold back the tears but couldnt hold them,he left them out."hn....i already told you i don't care about naruto, now i have is sakura" sasuke repiled,everybody look at him and sakura and then look away.

The bell rang and everybody left to their next class " I'll see you guys in 7th period guys"everybody said at the same time then left.

(back at the sound village)
"This village is awesome the foods great and some poeple are nice" naruto exclaim his eyes pop with exciment and ran around the village to explore more.

'you know kyuubi can we back training?' naruto asked thw fox, he stood quiet for a whikw and repiled 'sure kit lets go back to the forest' kyuubi repiled naruto face grew serious and ran to the forest.

(at the forest)
'okay now kit when controlling my power you need to keep your anger in control. Remeber when you fought sasuke you got to angry for him betraying you....all I'm saying is just keep your anger in check' kyuubi explain naruto nodded and went into training mode 'right,left,up,down'  kyuubi order naruto use the rasengan on the right,left,up,and down 'good remeber always keep your guard in check when fighting or anything your doing' he explain again naruto nodded and did it again.

'very good kit now keep doing that and you'll become stronger then you except' kyuubi said to him naruto smirk widely and continue again.


-shygirl out ✌-

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