chapter 5 Naruto is back!

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Thats naruto 3 years later he is hot!
3 years later

(At kohona high)
"Its been three years already do you think he'll come today?" kiba asked those three years have been hard for naruto friends always fighting with sasuke and sakuea seeing their friends getting hurt by sasuke.some things change and some things haven't change, "i hope so kiba" choji reoiled everybody nodded an agreement and talk about all the things they love about Naruto.They turn their heads at the door and saw the two assholes of the school come in holding hands hinata and the rest of the girls rolled their eyes and groan "assholes..." hinata mumble sakura heard her and charge at her but neji caught her hand in time "stay away from my cousin sakura" neji warned sakura flipped her hair and walk towards to sasuke and sat next to him,"you okay hinata?" temari asked hinata nodded for a yes and went back to talking.

(With Naruto)
"Its good to be back at the village" naruto said his blue eyes shimmer more his blonde hair grew longer like his father,he became more handsome, and he became more stronger his muscles show when he flexs his sun kiss tan skin show off his six pack but he was still a hyper active ninja. "I wonder if this village change?" he asked himself he walk in the village and saw girls and guys staring at him and blush when they saw him he was confuse when people saw him but he shrugged it off " that naruto uzumaki?" he heard a girl asked another guy "yea it is he looks so hot i almost got a boner when i just saw him" the guy said back the girl blush again when she saw naruto. He smirk and away swaying his hips then he realize his was standing in front of the hokage office he smile brightly and ran towards the office and burst through the door and saw tsunade "baa-chan!, i miss you!" naruto yelled tsunade was shock when she heard naruto voice she look up and saw naruto and cried she ran towards him and hugged him "oh....naruto you have no idea how much we've miss you" tsunade cried more naruto smiling then felt a pair of arms and turn around and saw his godfather "pervy sage,i miss you" naruto hugged his godfather and he felt tears in his hair he look up and saw his godfather vrying years of joy " oh...naruto im glad your back i miss you and miss your nickname for me" jiriya smile he pulled away from jiriya and wiped his tears away "stop crying pervy sage you too here now" he said and smile brightly and asked his questions about his training, He answered thier and asked about school.

"So you want to go back to school, well okay i already put youx back at the system alittle while ago and also naruto no uniforms just wear
A shirt okay" tsunade explain naruto chuckle alittle and got a muscle shirt and put it on "here your class" she handed a slip of paper and gave to naruto then he examine the paper ans smile "thanks you baa-chan and thank you pervy sage, thank you for still being by my side" he finsih and hugged them both and then left.

"He sure has grown" tsunade said and smile sweetly "you bet that our new naruto"  jiriya repiled theu chuckle and went back but they couldnt get the smile off their face.

(At kohona high school)
Naruto ran through the halls of the school getting shock faces by people some hugged him and some kiss his cheek the girls and boys were head over heels when they first saw naruto the girls squeals and the guys had boners he then ran through a teacher and look up it was iruka-sensai "naruto is that you?" iruka asked in a shock voice naruto stood up and gave him the thumbs up "BELIEVE IT THE ONE AND ONLY!" naruto yelled iruka hugged him and naruto hugged back "i miss you ao much naruto " iruka said naruto smile and pulled away "i miss you too iruka sensai but i wouldnt want to be late to class on the first day after school lets eat ramen" naruto said and ran off to kakashi class iruka giggle and wave off and thought 'that boy change alot'  he thought and went back to his class.

(at kakashi class)
"SHUT UP SAKURA,WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!" temari yelled "all im saying just give up on naruto he is never coming back" sakura said hinata punch her in the stomach hard sending her a few feet away from them sasuke eyes were filled with anger he use Chidori on her but neji stopped him. "Step away from her!" he push sasuke away and back away "hn...whatever lets go back to our sits sakura" he help sakura up and went thier sits also the others. Hinata and neji saw the door open and saw a blonde hair boy and went in shock the rest look at the door too and thier eyes widen tears of joy run down their cheeks kiba was the first one to get up and tackle naruto down naruto was surprise he notice the brown hair boy and hugged back "NARUTO I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! IM SO GALD YOUR BACK!" kiba yelled naruto chuckle alittle and got up with kiba still hugging he extended his arms to the rest and ran to him to hugged him they all cry and pulled away.

"Naruto we all miss you" hinata said sweetly he notice ino and temari eyeing him like a piece of meat "you look hot naruto" temari smirk naruto blush alittle and everyone laugh "so what did i miss?" he asked everybody look down and look at each other and kiba spoke up "well since you left all of us and sasuke and sakura been fighting alot of us got hurt the worst one that got hurt was choji he was hit by sasuke chidori on the chest saving ino" he explain shino notice the anger in naruto eyes and ran to the desk were he spotted sakura and sasuke sakura notice him but didn't recognize him she smirk and got close to him "what's your name cutie~" she said as she twirled her hair naruto smirk widely "the name is uzumaki" he repiled he push her aside and sasuke turn around and and sakura got push he brought out chidori to use it on the person who push her naruto smirk and stopped his chidori "its nice to see you uchiha" naruto answer sasuke eyes widen when he recognize the voice "n-n-naruto"he stutter naruto smirk evily and threw sasuke across the room "yes its me sasuke the one you betray,and left alone for that slut" naruto said to him.

"Y-y-you came back" he stutter again naruto rolled his eyes and hit sasuke stomach " i hear you hurt one of my friends again your gonna wish you never did" he whisper to his ear and pull his hand out and sat down sasuke grunted and went to sit next to sakura 'when did he get so powerful' sasuke thought sakura on the other hand was jealous that all the girls were getting all his attention and and she wasnt getting his "sasuke tonight lets fuck eachother" sakura smirk "im not ready sakura i got other things on my mind" sasuke repiled sakura cross her arms in disappointed and watch naruto.

"Naruto we need to tell you somthing we over heard about sakura" kiba said that caught naruto attention when he heard sakura name "what happen?" he asked them they all look at ino and nodded at her "well i heard sakura talking to a guy talking about how much fun she had him fucking her and it wasnt sasuke" ino explain naruto was shock in the inside but didnt show it he show his face look like he had no emotion "so.....i can care less about sasuke and sakura" he repiled ino look down alittle putting somw of her hair behind her ear. Ino heard footsteps from hee side and saw sakura and s trike a punch at her sending ino flying to the other side of the room,naruto eyes widen when he saw ino "choji help ino ill take care of the bitch right now" he crack his knuckles and walk towards sakura and punch her of the side of the cheek. He heard sasuke growled and show his hand to show to stop "chill uchiha and haruno" he hiss there last names they both flinch "don't tell me your still mad about what happen three years ago" she made a face when she saod that naruto rolled his eyes and repiled "oh no i just hit you for no reason.....OF COURSE IM MAD DO HAVE ANY IDEA BEING ALONE NO ONE TO TAKE YOU IN!HUH?OH WAIT YOU DON'T THANKS TO YOUR PARENTS THAT GAVE BIRTH TO AN UGLY SULT LIKE YOU.YOU STOLE THE ONLY FRIEND THAT ONLY CARE FOR ME WHEN I WAS LITTLE JUST BACAUSE YOU WANT TO FUCK HIM FOR YOUR OWN NEEDS!" all the anger the hated that was in him he finally let it out sakura face expression change she use her chakra ans punch naruto and only send him a few feet away "huh?! Thats not suppose to happen your suppose to end up like ino!" she yelled naruto smirk and brought his fist to her stomach useing no chakra and send her flying across the room " She let out and cough out blood.

"Thats easy because im naruto uzumaki the person you betray and let alone" naruto left and left towards to his friends.

"Thats not naruto is he" sakura said still coughing up blood "thats naruto juat not the one we use to know" sasuke finish


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-shygirl out ✌-

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