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Eric's P.O.V.

I need a vacation from this damn kingdom. Today is a day called valentines day and its spreading the love disease. I called the entire kingdom earlier and told them I'm going on a vacation and my right hand man Richard is in charge and if anyone kills him or tries to take away my throne I'll kill them all. I left at midnight dressed as a normal citizen to the nearest city, Hular. That was when I saw her. A beautiful girl with black hair that shines orange in the park with two boys taller than her in the park. A feeling of want and desire spirals in my chest and lower region. This is the first time I feel like this for a woman at least this proves I'm not gay. I stayed in the shadows watching her her beautiful laughter was music to my ears when she threw one of the boys into the fountain for tickling her. A foreign sound escaped my chest and I quickly stopped. When they left the park they went to the movies and that's were I went. I sat two rows behind her I wanted to be near her to feel her,to hold her or be with her. I shook my head to clear away these feelings this could be black magic and I will not be currupted by these thoughts. When the movie ended I followed them on the busy streets of Hular to a resturant. She laughed troughout the entire meal while I smiled at her.

Halfway through the meal shots were fired and about twenty gunmen entered the resturant demanding money. The two boys quickly killed most of them but failed to see the last one hiding behind a citizen. He aimed the gun at her and fired. The bullet never reached her instead in went into my side causing the blood to soak my shirt. I didn't feel pain or hurt only anger. How dare he hurts her. I recognized the man behind the mask,David one of my worst soldiers. As quick as the bullet he fired his head was separated from his body on the floor drowning in his own blood. "Thank you Mr...," I shook the blood from my hands,"my name is Eric," I avoided eye contact with the girl. "Thanks for saving our sister Eric and come with us so I can care for your wound," I hesitated then nodded when I realize that I'll be with the beautiful girl. I followed them to a house hidden in the woods and the black haired boy, I think his name was Josh, cared for my wound. While he did this my brown curious eyes met my blue ones until Joshua sent her to bed.

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