Our first

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Eric's P.O.V.

Like it? I feel much more than that but I don't know how to describe it. I grabbed a box of cereal,a bottle of milk along with a bowl and spoon. I stared at the box and smiled remembering that this is her favourite cereal. "I didn't know you smile," Josh announced walking into the kitchen,"what's so great about the cereal anyway?" I shrugged,"nothing." He walked passed me to the refridgerator,"anyways Joshua and I are going out we'll back be back in about six hours," he stood at the entrance and exit to the kitchen,"protect her with your life," he said then left. I scoffed. Of course I will. I would even give up my life for her.

"So we are alone?" Julie asked saddling me. I nodded as I brushed my lips against hers causing her to purr,"yes. I want you Julie," she didn't hesitate to kiss me,"we've been together for over four weeks I think its time," I gripped her ass and carried her to my room.

Warning Sex Scene Ahead. It stops at this sign ~•~•~

I laid her gently on the bed like the delicate person she is to me. I saw her body before and it was like falling for her all over again. She wore a yellow dress with a few red rose pattern. I couldn't wait for her to take it off so I ripped it off her along with her bra and pantie. I stared at the beautiful being underneath me. Multiple times women tried to seduce me,tried to get in my bed or make me fall for them to be my queen but none of their bodies could ever compare to her's. I kissed her slowly before kissing down her jaw her neck then her breast. I showed no favouritism. I kissed and sucked each equally before kissing down her stomach. I don't know what she's bathing with but her soft skin is delicious and addictive. She purrs with pleasure as she sunk her nails into my arms which makes me want more of her. Taking dominance she flipped me over and tore my clothes off. She dipped low and licked my skin starting form my torso to my neck where she run her canines along the crock of neck and shoulder. I moaned as I gripped her as. Its a good think she was raised by lions. At least she knows to mark what hers,"baby mark me," I moan as I gripped her ass tighter. She didn't hesitate to sink her teeth into my sweet spot until she tasted blood. I did the same to her before entering her. She screamed my name and scracthed my back when I fucked her. Her pussy was tight and I loved the way it gripped my cock. I was lost in complete estsasy. A drug I never want to be free from. After a few hours I collapsed beside her. She kissed me before she fell silently fell asleep in my arm. Setting my alarm I slept beside her. Feeling complete.


"Hey how was your day?" Josh and Joshua asked Julie when they walked in. She smiled,"great," when they left her smile grew when her eyes met mine. "I wish I knew what my feelings for you mean so I could tell you everyday," I smiled back,"I wish so too."

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