Chapter V

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My cell was dark, like being in a big house with all, but one light out. I could make out my surroundings, the human in the cell next to me was softly  weeping like a dripping tap. I felt sad just listening to her. I missed my old life: carefree and playing under the oak tree in Spring and rolling in the leaves in Autumn, but I had to let those days go, or they would weaken me.

The rusted chain around my ankle was digging into my soft skin, it felt like a dog knawing on my leg like a bone. The chain was cold and heavy and if I pulled on it, it would just grab my skin and rip it apart like a snare trap. I felt like a helpless rabbit. 

My wrists were squished into the tiny handcuffs that bound my hands together, with a rusted chain inbetween them, giving me just enough space to hold them apart comfortably - that had to be the only positive of my situation. I looked at my broken watch from being smashed into the wall, but it was still ticking and working. I brought it up to my face and made out that it was twenty-seven minutes until midnight. The building was quiet and it sounded as if all the vampires had either gone out hunting for food, or hunting for blood, human blood.

I decided to rest my aching body so I backed up to the cold wall so my chain wouldn't tug and put all my pressure onto the wall. I heard my body sigh. My taunt muscles relaxed and fell asleep.

I was stirred away by the humans crying, she started groaning and grunting as if she were in a lot of pain. I looked at my watch again with drowsy eyes, I had only slept for an hour and a half. I tried to ignore her cries of pain and get back to sweet slumber, but I couldn't, the sounds just made your head say that you need to help. I sat up slowly from my slouched position and yawned a huge yawn. All I wanted to do was sleep. I relaxed my body again and slouched against the stone wall, it was cold and hard, but it was all I had. I closed my eyes and shut her sadness and pain out of my head.

"Aaaagh!" came a scream.

I shout up off the wall like a rocket, suddenly disturbed from my short sleep. I felt dizzy and regreted going back to sleep, know all I wanted was more of it. Once my head steadied the scream came again, it was the human. I could make out her figure leaning against the side of her cell, her back against the bars. I readjusted the chain on my ankle to make it sit on the thinnest part of my ankle so I wouldn't get injured again from it. I crawled over to her on my knees, I could feel the rough floor through the rips in my jeans, my once wonderful, faded to the right blue jeans. I went up to the side of the cell so I was on the same side as her. Finding my voice I asked if she was ok. She cried and wimped as if she didn't hear me so I asked again, this tie she heard me.

She turned around slowly, she was also chained to a wall, but her hands weren't bound. I looked at her face. It was pale, she looked as if she had once been a beautiful lady with her petite nose and green eyes. Now all that was left was a sad face with red blotches on her white cheeks from crying. Her eyes had dark bags underneath and they were painfully red. Her lips were cracked and calloused from not enough water and so much crying. My eyes scanned down to her neck. There were painful and infected punctures in her neck from being sucked dry of blood. That was why she was so pale, she had been food for them. Her blood like cows milk for them. I suddenly felt sick, and adverted my eyes to the ground, not willing to look at her again to face the horrible holes in her neck. I waited until the nausea passed before looking back up at her, her face so sad it looked like she had spent her whole life crying.

She had long, brown hair framing her small body, it reached down to her elbows. It looked as if it had been put in a neat braid, but it had been a long time since it had fallen out. Another series of sobbing escaped from her sore lips. She reached out to me through the bars, her eyes begging me to take her hand, promising to help her. I hesitated then took it. Her hand was rough and also calloused and full of bruises and scabs, she winced when I took it, the pressure on her bruised hands must have caused a bolt of pain. My eyes scanned her body again, this time I found her other hand nursing her bulging stomach. I looked into her eyes and asked the question. She replied with a positive - she was pregnant. Her breath halted as I asked:

"Who's....who's the father?"

Her following sobs answered. They had done this to her. It wasn't human baby, it was going to be a vampire baby. I gently took her free hand to say that I was going to help her however I could. We both hated them. As I released my hand she quickly turned her head and threw up on the floor. I gagged from the sight of it, but swallowed hard on my dry throat to keep it down.

I returned to the wall and go into a comfortable position, not being able to deal with her nausea. Soon enough my body relaxed and I fell into an uncomfortable, but stable slumber, wishing that I could sleep forever.

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