Chapter VI

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My eyes were sleepy as I felt some rough hands tugging me up from the chain. I gasped as I became upright, the chain was eating away my thin flesh quickly and hungrily. The hungry monster continued chewing at my ankle as if it wanted to rip my whole foot off. I looked at the dark figure pulling me, my glance met his eyes and he looked scared, but pressured to do this. 

He looked as if he was actually a good vampire.

He looked like that one kid in the mall that didn't get fed much at all, his blue eyes poked out of his head like they were trying to escape it and his cheeks were so small you could barely tell them from a flap of skin stretched across his face. His dark, heavy clothes were wrapped around him like a curtain  drapped across a rusted window of a medival castle. The skinny boy looked about my age and he looked like all he wanted to do was curl up and cry his heart out. Nevertheless he continued pulling me along, looking like every tug was ripping a whole in him. I stmbled my way through the dungeons watching as the pregnant woman in my neighbouring cell went through another pain fight. The sound echoed off the hard walls and floor filling my ears with a horrible sound. I cringed through the sound. The others looked unaffected by the noise.

I fell onto the cold floor as the chain around my ankle felt as if there was a hole ripped in it. The boy continued pulling me along the freezing floor. My skin was being peirced by the stone through the rips in my shirt. I yelled at the boy as my skin began to bleed. He just kept pulling, looking at me like he wanted me to forgive him. Then I saw a tear run down his dirtied cheek as he turned away. I screamed even louder. But they wouldn't listen. I tried pulling myself up, but my arms and legs were sore. So I just let myself be dragged along, my long brown hair sometimes getting caught in a crack then being pulled.

I let myself be dragged, hoping that it would pull out the pain of being here.

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