Chapter 14: The Escape

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"Ok I guess I should be leaving"
Vincent said sounding disappointed.
"Oh ok" you said.
Vincent smiled and kissed your cheek.
"Bye" he said.
"Goodbye" you replied. Vincent unlocked your window and hopped out.
Vincent left.
It was minutes to five O' clock. You needed to hurry before the sunset.
Your crouched down and grabbed the string bag from under your bed. Quickly, you put on a black hoodie and your string bag. Inside your string bag were a few useful things. There were some food and water. There were a flashlight and batteries. A pocket knife. An extra sweatshirt. Just a bunch of things that can be case anything happens. And of course you can't let Vincent recognize you. You wore a mask. You made this mask at school. It was completely black and it was made of plaster. Thanks, art class!
You put on your mask. Then, you stealthily leaped out your window after Vincent. You weren't far behind him. You followed Vincent down the sidewalk going past your friends' houses. You looked around you. It was already starting to get dark. Jeez, it's so creepy here at night. You followed him past the playground, which looked even more creepy. This atmosphere...the perfect, most ideal scene for a horror film. Suddenly Vincent stopped walking. Aw man, he's up to something. He stood there. Aw man, he knows he's not alone. You feverishly looked around you. There was a trash can. It was pretty big. What have you got to lose? You fled the scene and hid behind the trash can. You peeked from behind the can. Vincent was looking all around him now. Gee, it's a good thing I found a place to hide, you thought to yourself. Vincent shrugged his shoulders and began walking again. Vincent is smart, he knows when something or someone is watching him. You began to walk too. You were a good distance behind him. You weren't too close. But you were far enough so you could see him, but he couldn't see you. He walked passed the school. Abandoned and lonely. That school brought back memories. Bad memories. You had to focus, stay on track. You continued to walk behind him. You were now very far from your grandmas house. It was getting dark. You wanted to chicken out and run back to your grandmas house. You wanted to! But you needed to know what is going on with your boyfriend. You were scared but you knew that knowing the ugly truth would be worth it. You were still keeping your distance from Vincent. Not too close, you kept in mind. Vincent took a turn down a dark street with two lampposts lighting. One of them was flickering badly. That freaked you out. You wanted to go home. You were scared. You didn't know where Vincent was going, you didn't know what kind of freaks hang around here at night!  The street leaded to a small forest. Inside that little forest was a small house. Like a one story house. It was very small. The outside was awful. The grey little shingles on the roof were coming off. The yellow faded paint was peeling. Overall, this little home looked creepy as hell. You waited behind a thick, tall, old tree. You watched Vincent pull out a key from his pocket. He unlocked the door and proceeded into the little shack. Shit, you thought to yourself. He has a key. You looked down for a moment. You looked up at the sky and it was getting very dark outside. The sky was a deep, dark, unsettling blue. You could still see outside, there was no need for the flashlight...yet. You looked at the house again realizing that Vincent left the door open. Now's your chance. You ran as fast as you could towards the front door of the little yellow house. You couldn't believe you had just done that. The door was left open a crack. You gently put your hand on the door. It creaked a little when you pushed on it, inviting yourself in. For some reason you felt like this was a invasion of privacy. You shook off that thought. The house was dimly lit. Kinda creepy. The flooring was a dark wood flooring. The flooring was not even. The wood was more like wooden planks. The walls were white. They were peeling and you saw some holes in the wall. The little house had a strange lay out. A soon as you walk through the front door, there is just a hallway stretched out in front of you. There was nothing in the hallway besides the large black door at the end of the hallway. That door. It looked like the Devils door. You walked slowly towards that door, there wasn't another place to go. There was no turning back now. There was foul odor in the air, like rotting meat or something. You gagged. You took off your mask and held your nose. You began to hear blood curdling screams. You cringed. You thought it was just your imagination. But you heard the screams again.
"NOOOO PLEASE!" Somebody screamed. There were pauses in between the screams, as if the person was talking to someone.
"LET ME GO!!!" That voice...sounds familiar. You walked a little faster. You reached the door, although it was left a crack open you didn't want to go in. You didn't want to know. You put your mask back on. You heard the screams, over and over and over again. Deadly screams. You put your hand on the door and lightly pushed it open. It was barely lit. A set of old, creepy, wooden stairs laid out in front of you. The stairs were steep. You began to hear those screams and shrieks again, but louder. You walked down the stairs quietly. You heard someone...that voice. It sounded like...someone you know. You couldn't put your finger on it. Who is it?
"WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?!" That voice screamed. You continued to leap down, each and every stair. You were trying your best to stay silent. The little, old staircase reached a stop. There was another door at the end of the stairs. It was completely red. You took off your mask to get a better look at it. God, that's fucking scary. You put your mask back on. The red door was left a crack open, like all the other doors. You opened the door a little wider. What you saw behind that door was beyond your knowledge. You don't want to believe anything you just saw.

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