{Chapter 07 - Paradise}

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"What do you think?" he whispers into my ear. I can feel his cold breath on the back of my neck like wind in the summer, and it sends tiny shivers up and down my spine.

"It's... It's..." I stammer, but words fall short of the task of describing this planet of paradise. It looks nothing like I've ever seen. It's dark here, but somehow the darkness makes it even more beautiful. I look at him and I know by his expression that he understands. I settle into his arms as he wraps them around my body, tightening his grip around my waist protectively.

"I know," he sighs. Not in sadness or exasperation, but a form of contentment.

"I want to show you something," he says, a glee in his voice that I've never heard before. His eyes are bright and he tugs my hand along with his own. I laugh and let him lead me.

We top a hill and run together down the other side into a valley, still holding each others' hands. In front of us is what looks like an empty campsite.

"Where is everyone?" I ask him. He looks at me and smirks a little.

"You'll see," is his opaque reply. I suppose he is the god of mischief, after all.

"But first, a question," he turns to me and lifts my chin gently so I'm looking into his eyes. Green on blue. Gorgeous.

"You've made your decision?" he asks quietly. His eyes, now serious, look into mine with such intensity that I feel myself start to blush.

"Yes," I whisper. I meet his gaze with mine and hold it so he can see the certainty in my eyes.

"Yes, I have," I say, louder this time. I look him dead in the eye.

"I'll help you assemble your army. And Loki, I want to help you fight. I'm not going to just stand by and watch-" I break off. He starts to say something, worry etched into every line of his forehead, but I interrupt him.

"I'm not going to let you go there alone. I'm coming with you."

He sighs, worry and yet a certain relief evident within it. He pulls me against his chest.

"Nothing will separate us for the rest of eternity. This I promise you," he murmurs in my ear.

I pull away from him slightly. I then lean back in and kiss him: one indescribably sweet moment. When I open my eyes, he's wearing a look I can't place; one almost of pain or panic. It's gone as quick as I see it. Maybe it wasn't even there at all. Before I can ask him though, he has that contageous smile back on his face. And we're running down the rest of the hill to the campsite.

"Loki, where is everybody?" I ask. He doesn't answer. Instead, he takes my hand and leads me up another hill. We reach the top of the hill together and take in the sight in front of us.

I can't breathe. There are hundreds of them. Maybe thousands. I don't know exactly what they are, but I do know they're completely foreign to me. I shrink in a little towards Loki.

"My army," his voice is only audible to me. I blink, still awed by the sheer number of them. I can't believe that with this many soldiers he would still ask for my help.

We walk to the middle of the group of soldiers so that we stand in the center of the assembly. Then Loki starts to speak.

"We have struggled. We have suffered to build what we are today, but we are growing. From what seemed like a pile of unimportant ashes, we are rising. And only to find that our attempts to claim what is rightfully ours have been blocked and fought against. Yet still we prevail!"

His voice holds a passion and fire I haven't heard before, and it strikes an odd feeling of fear and excitement in my stomach. He lets his words sit upon the soldiers, who have begun to stir restlessly. As if they know they are on the brink of the battle that will potentially lead to their deaths.

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