Thankful For You

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Light slowly filled through the blocked window. It was already past midday already, but Lilo and Stitch were still asleep. The little blue experiment sprawled across Lilo's top bunk of the bed, slightly nudging her in the process.

"Uhn." Lilo winced a moaned at the disturbance to her sleep. "Move over Stitch, you're taking up all the room."

Stitch rolled over best he could in his sleeping state. "So...ka..." He replied with a deep breath.

The two had stayed up late once again reading scary stories and eating junk food. Since Lilo started up school at the end of summer, their weekend evenings were spent staying up late and having fun to make up for all the time they ended up losing. Stitch would sometimes come to school with her, but normally pets weren't allowed. As well, ever since Halloween came along, Stitch gained a completely new fascination for everything scary. He had already enjoyed monsters because of Lilo, but seeing people dressed up as them in real life gave him a whole new appreciation of them.

He continued to take deep breaths, trying his best to fall back asleep. However, something quickly caught his attention. With a quick inhale, Stitch's nose twitched at the sweet aroma of food wafting from downstairs. The smell of breakfast had long since passed, and this was something he had never smelled before. Unable to ignore it, he slowly pulled himself from bed, dropping to the floor with a clang.

"Stitch?" Lilo looked over the edge of the bed, still half asleep. She rubbed her eyes, trying to get her vision to go straight again. "Are you okay?"

"Ih." Stitch said, shaking his head. "Meega oketaka."

"That's good." Lilo climbed down safely to join him. Even if she was still tired, there was no way she could get back to sleep after Stitch fell like that. "Why did you fall?"

"Meega smell something good." He stated simply, getting back up on his feet.

"You do? I don't smell anything. Are you sure you're not imagining things."

Stitch was sure that he smelled something though, and nearly dragged Lilo to the kitchen.

"Okay. Now I smell something." She admitted once they got to the bottom of the stairs. "And it does smell really good!"

They ran the rest of the way together, almost crashing into Nani again.

"Hey!" Nani said pointing a baster at the two. "What did I say about running in the house?"

"Only do it if there's an emergency." Lilo and Stitch recited at the same time.

"And is there an emergency?"

"No." They both once again said at once.

"Then no more running. Especially not in the kitchen while I'm cooking."

Lilo and Stitch looked around the kitchen. Half prepared food laid everywhere. Some failed concoctions as well as some burnt food, most of it was unrecognizable. The family still had trouble with dinners now and then. It was hard to get into the swing of things with so many more mouths to feed all of a sudden. Especially when one of them was able to eat entire plates whole. It was because of that that Nani didn't remind Lilo that Thanksgiving was coming up, and why she made sure that Stitch had no idea. If he had known about all the food she had hidden in the house, they wouldn't be having supper that night. It soon dawned on Lilo what day it was, and was about to explain it to Stitch when they were interrupted.

"I am ready to help with the holiday!" Pleakley suddenly announced as he entered the room. Everyone turned to look at him and burst out laughing. "What? Am I not wearing this right?"

Lilo and Stitch: Holiday FunWhere stories live. Discover now