Chapter 1

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Like every day for 3 months now I was sitting on the coatch of the Salvatore Boarding house, the house of my best friend who told me that he would find a way to take me back, but obviously he didn't care anymo-.
'No! Stop doing this Alli, that's
not his fault.' I spoke whit none but me. After all this time i thought it was normal to speak alone, just because there was no one else in the entire universe.
"You've done a good job, i have to say that." A man's voice came from behind. I slowly turned to see a brown haired guy who was eating some kind of chips.
"I began to talk with myselfe after just two weeks,instead you resisted for two boring months." He silenced for two seconds, just the time to eat another chip. "Congratulation!" He saied smiling at me. I didn't say a world, i just staied here and stared at him like he was an alien. "Don't speak anymore?" He asked with nonchalance. "C'mon baby girl I've waited to hear your voice for all this time and now you don't say anything?" He took a step closer to the coatch where i was. " Oh and by the way" he sat down near to me while i followed his movements. " you have a really beautiful voice" he finished with a sexy smile. "Want some? " He offered me the chips but i shoke my head.
"Don't be so shy" he continued to eat. I finaly find the strenght to say something." Who..who are you?"
"Ooh i'm sorry I always talk and i always forget to introduce myselfe. My name's Kai." I took his hand just to find how big it was compared to mine." And you are..?" He asked still with his hand still on mine. "Allison" i answered. "Beautiful" that's all he saied.

"So You've been here for 18 years?" Me and Kai were sitting on the coatch since he arrived here. "Yes and I'm so glad I've found you" he smile and I blushed. He was absolutely beautiful. He had short dark brown hair and dark eyes. I couldn't see what color they were. They simed brown but they had some shindes of grey, I think.
"Wait but..if you staied here for 18 years that means that you were just 4 when you arrived?"
"No,no I was 22, same of now. Everyday is the same day so i didn't grow up." He finally finished his chips and throw the pack on the ground. I was just to say something abaut that but he anticipate me. "What abaut you? Tell me something " he turned to me again and crossed his arms under his head. "Well..I'm 15, I was born here in Mystic Falls and..I never moved from here."
"So you never went out of here?"
He asked interessed."Nope"
"Okay something esle"
"There's not much to say.." I loked to the TV in front of me.
"Have you got ant brother or sisters?"
"No i'm an only child. I've always wanted a brother or a sister. Beeng alone at home is boring." I turned to him just to see that he was staring at me with a smirk on his lips. "I used to have a lot of brothers and sisters. I had a twin named Josette, two others named Lucas and Olivia,then there was.."
"Wait" i stopped him. "What do you mean there was..?"
"Oh nothing" he cenrtenley didn't want to speak abaut that. "He died when he was just 11."
"Oh..I'm-I'm sorry I didn't.."
"Yu didn't know, i know it. Don't be sorry, he was a bad child..they all were." He said the last sentence less loud like he didn't want me to hear, but i did.
"You've been here for 18 years." He watched me waiting for me to finish the sentence.
"You've never thought.., i mean You've never-"
"Tried to kill me?" He finished my sentence. "Yes i did, trust me i tried everything but it didn't work. This is my hell, it's been created for me and I'm not supposed to levave."
"Wait. Your Hell? What does it mean? Why did someone create this place for you?"
He thought for a while before answering. "Oh my Coven did this to me. They hated me because i was born without magic so they sent me here"
"Oh my god that's..cruel"
"Yeah i know. My family was cruel. Just with me." he jumped from the sofà. "Don't talk abaut the past. We're not alone anymore. We have to celebrate!" He offered me his hand with a smile and I took it without asitation. This guy really simed a nice one.

Prison World- Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now