Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jacqueline POV

"Jackie you're going to be late for work!" Gwen yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming, I have to look presentable." I groaned while throwing my hair up in a ponytail and making my way downstairs.

"Good you look gorgeous as always." Gwen said with a smile while turning back to the stove. Gwen has been my friend since forever and she is the one person in the world I trust with my secret, no one else knows what I am or what I do because if they did it would get me killed. Gwen is an amazing friend she has been there for me through everything, my parents divorce, my brothers death and my parents kicking me to the curb at 16. No matter what she was there to help me piece my life back together. At the moment we were living in a small town called Berchwood she worked at the local restaurant as a chef and I worked at the high school as an English teacher. However both of us knew that those were just covers for my real job.

"Jackie you in there?" Gwen asked while knocking on my head.

"Sorry I zoned out again." I said while chuckling nervously.

"Yeah I noticed, well eat up I made you some eggs to get you through your first day of teaching again." She said with a smile.

"Thanks, these years seem to get longer every time." I said with a small smile.

"This is only your third year teaching Jackie get used to it." Gwen said while shaking her head in amusement.

"Yeah well teenagers are hard to deal with." I snapped at her.

"You're barley out of your teens Jackie." She stated while I got up and placed my plate in the sink.

"They're still a pain, anyway I got to go. I have to teach first through fourth period before I get a break, see you Gwen." She waved goodbye as I made my way outside and towards the school. Some people thought it was strange that neither Gwen or I had a car, but we didn't really see the need to get one considering our jobs were so close to our house.

A few minutes later I arrived at Berchwood high where I could see a few early kids and teachers mingling around the school yard. However something was off, I made my way over to Richard who was the biology teacher looking for answers.

"Hey Rick, um where is everyone?" I asked confused.

"Oh hey Jackie, Um well the school board said that a lot of teachers had to be transferred to make room for the new ones." Rick said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"What new teachers?" I asked confused. I wasn't told of any new members in the town and everyone on the council knows all citizenships go through me.

"Don't know, but we have a new principal and everything." I nodded to Richard one more time before making my way into the school and down to my class room. Today was already getting off to a rough start. I sighed while sitting down at my desk and pulling out a note, making a reminder to head to town hall after school. Those idiots needed a reminder about who was really in charge around here. Yes I was only 22 but I had a lot more experience and understanding then any of the knuckle heads at the head office. Sighing I pulled out my attendance sheet just as the bell for first period sounded, time to get this show on the road. I watched in fascination as my class of seniors filled up with students I had never seen before. I looked at the classroom closely till a boys made his way inside. He was taller then most of the others in here and everyone seemed to be avoiding his eyes. I studied him closely till it clicked, these people were all part of a pack. God those damn wolves never did like to follow the rules. I sighed in irritation which got me a few confused looks from the few humans in the room. I brushed them off and made my way to the front of the class.

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