Chapter 3 (Prom Night)

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When we arrived, I was so excited! Little did I know that by the end of the night I would fall completely in love with Joey Adams, and have my first dance with him! How? Well, as I said my friends are close with him so they all started dancing with him and pulled me in too. After about 5 minutes of dancing with my best friend Hazel, me, Hazel and Joey were holding hands.

They were so soft.

I wanted to never let go. We were dancing to a slow song, it was so romantic.

I was in the middle of us three dancing together, facing Hazel. She rested her head on my chest, pushing my head onto Joeys shoulder. At first I thought he wouldnt be happy with my head resting on him, but then I felt his chin on my head. I could feel the stubble on his chin through my curly purple hair. I felt strangely safe inbetween Joey and Hazel.

As the night went on, me and Joey got closer, I learned so much more about him, he told me stories about how he used to look after his nan when she was on her death bed, and supported his mum more than anyone when his dad decided he wanted a divorce.

He was so much more than what i thought him to be, and yet every new thing i learned about him made me fall for him that much harder.

The later it got, the more jealous i got of other girls dancing with him. Sounds crazy to say he wasnt mine, but i felt possesive of him. we shared a spark that couldnt be ignored.

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