Chapter 2 - What Good Can Come From This?

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"Magic always comes with a price, Dearie." Rumple always says, it's true and I have come to realize it. Magic can be good, but it can bring evil. Even the tiniest speckle of darkness in your heart. The difference between light magic and dark magic is hard to pick out. The only way you can really tell if you are using light or dark is; if you're doing something for the greater good then it is most likely light, and you can already guess what dark magic is. Anything that is to harm someone else. But that's not always the situation.

Sometimes, you could be using dark magic without knowing it. The only thing about dark magic is that it can be used for the good. The magic may not be good but it can be used for good. Like for instance, using a curse spell to some trolls. Who needs trolls anyways? If you are having trolls robing people from your kingdom traveling through the woods. Why not have them cursed. But banishing them is the right way to go. If they come back then just kill them. You don't need to use magic.

At the end of the day, what would make you feel better about your choices? Killing people off with dark magic, or saving them and keeping the good in your life. Making people smile or make them resent you. I guess that's what will define you. What choices will you choose? The good in life, or the evil. Will you want followers or enemies? That's what makes people different from one to another. Not everyone will choose the same and will use it differently. I chose light, and some disagree about it. But the more you fight the darkness, the more it will fight back.

"Use the darkness, it will make you stronger." The dark ones in my head say. Some times they show up but Killian helps me fight them off. But its just prolonging them to return. They leave temporarily and not for good but it gives us some time alone.

"Look at me. Focus on me. Stay with me." Killian holds my face in his hands. I bet he can feel me shake, I feel it.

"You are worthless without it! Bring us to justice!" I feel them trying to shake me senseless. One after one I see them popping up in a big circle around me and Killian.

He can tell I couldn't concentrate so he pulls me closer. With our noses touching I look at him, he could see the fear in my eyes and I could see myself shaking in his eyes. Fear. What was I afraid of? They couldn't touch me, all they are, are words. Why was I so scared of them? As they came they left, one after another. Then I feel warmth across my lips as Killian kisses me.

Secure, that's how I felt in the moment. His arms around me, as my arms around him. Locked in this circle, no one could interrupt. I don't have to battle these fights in my head by myself, he would always win. And I have to remind myself that.

"Um, Mom?" Henry knocks on the front door of Mine and Killian's house. We were standing close to the door way. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but I came for lunch."

Killian pulls away first and I look over at him. He looks like he's fighting off a laugh. "Yeah lets go." I squeeze Killian's hand and give him a peck on the cheek. "Ill be back, are you going to be home for long?" I ask as i look back over to Killian.

"No I have to head out. I'm meeting up with the boys, ill be back later tonight." The boys he was referring to was the dwarfs. They run the border of the town and once a month they meet together and talk about all that has gone on and have a beer. But sense no one really knows about Story Brooke no one really comes so they usually just drink and watch tv for a couple of hours or just all night.

"Okay, see you then." I smile and let go of his hand. "Bye."

Henry and I walk over to Granny's Diner and order the usual. I was wearing my engagement ring and I hadn't told anyone yet.  Half way through dinner Henry had noticed.

"Mom, where did you get that ring?" He had been staring at it, but he couldn't quite remember seeing me wear it before.

I smile and look at it. Ever sense Killian purposed I had admired the ring, and I wanted to finally tell someone. But after the dark ones came it completely was stripped from my mind. The ring wasn't that big, but it was definitely noticeable to anyone that would be in the same room as me. It almost makes the whole room sparkle.

"Oh I wanted to tell you, Killian purposed to me last night. I haven't told anyone, I wanted to tell you first."

I couldn't tell if he was just shocked or mad but he was definitely speechless. "Wow, congrats Mom. How did he do it?" He smiled and he had excitement in his voice.

I told him about the whole night, minus some details but he seemed happy and he approved. Soon after the whole town knew about the engagement. My parents are the most happy about it. They knew about it before I did. They helped Killian pick out the ring after he asked my dad for permission. Of course he couldn't say no. They know what its like to love someone. And I believe that's what me and Killian have.

Love. What do I know about love? And how do I know if I am IN love? I don't think I have ever been in love, except with Henrys father, Neil. Was I in love with Neil? We were in love, or so I did say. But it doesn't matter now because I am with Killian, and I love him. And Neil is dead. The man I first loved, dead. Did he die for me, would I die for Killian. I would, so I guess its true. I am in love with Killian.

"I am in love with Killian." I tell myself when I get home. I had dropped off Henry to Regina's house and I was alone at my house. And I repeat it over and over again. A smile grows on my face and I feel happy again. I sit on the couch in the living room and wait for Killian to get home. "I love him." I slouch down into the couch getting more comfortable and grin closing my eyes for a nap. But if it was a nap, why couldn't I wake up? Darkness surrounded me, and there was no light. It was the middle of the day, but with my eyes closed, they couldn't allow any light. So I let it soak in, and let it surround me as I wait for the light. But will it ever be enough, will it let me go back? What was this doing to me? What was in my drink today at the diner, did someone slip a sleep curse into my drink? Who would do that to me?



What characters would you guys like to see more in the story? In this one its mixed but I wanna start making each chapter themed with a different character. Like Emma and Killian was with the first one, or Emma and Rumple. If no one comments I can just keep it Emma and Killian and some times Henry and Regina im just not sure what characters you guys are interested in.

Thanks for reading and ill write more later, its late right now so ill try writing another chapter or two tomorrow! <3 Goonight/day/mornings Dearies   

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