Who Do I Love?(ICONic Boyz fanfic)

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Hey guys! I've decided to start a new story, because writing one is kinda boring. I hope that you like this one, and vote for it. Follow me anytime and I follow back!


Chapter 1

Casey's POV

I was laying on my bed with my laptop in front of me when I got called by mom.

"Honey"' she called from the bottom of the stairs. "Come down here for a minute. We need to talk."

"Ok! I'll be down in a minute." I called back.

I shut off my laptop. I got up, put it on my desk while heading to my bedroom door.

I opened my door, closed it, and headed down the stairs to be greeted by my grandma.

"Grandma, what are you doing here?" I aske her surprised.

"You are coming down to New Jersey with me to visit and see what it's like."

"You guys leave tonight, so start packing." After my mum said that, I instantly shot up the stairs like a rocket. I pulled out my suit case.

I grabbed 10 shirts out of my closet and 7 pairs of jeans since I was only visiting. And grabbed my black and blue Supras, and my white and red converse.

I checked my phone. It was 10:15. We had to leave in 5 minutes. I got done packing and went down stairs to grab a snack. My mom went to go put my suitcase in the car. Now it was grams and me time.

She sat down on the stool in front of me. She looked at me as though she was thinking of something to say. Suddenly, she spoke.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" She asked curiously.

"No." Was all I simply said.

"Have you heard of the iconic boyz?" She asked.

"Yes," I said getting excited. "But I don't know where they live." I said sadly.

My gram looked at me like she had a plan in her head.

"Well, when we get there, I want you to take a walk around and hopefully run into them." She said.

"Run into who."

"The iconic Boyz of course," she said. "They live there."

What did I just hear? Oh my god! I can't believe my ears right now!

"O EMH GEE! LIKE REALLY?" I screamed at my grams.

She covered her ears, and muffled a quick yes, before pulling me out to the car.

I said bye to my mom and sat in the seat, pulling the seat belt on as I did so.

I leaned my head against the window and went into deep thought.

Good bye California, hello New Jersey.

And with that, I fell asleep.


(A/N) Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story. I'm also SO sorry it's short. You know I'm not gonna get a lot of votes or reads, but hey! It doesn't kill to write a single story! Once I get closer to the end of the story, I might think about a sequel.

So do the usual




There might be slow updates, but I'm getting ready to do a yard sale so there is a lot of commotion! Bye loves! Smooches!


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