The slayers Daughter {Emo Love Story}

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             So I haven't been on in...forever long story but anyways! I love you guys so much that I've made a Facebook page for my stories :D! so make a Facebook, do what you have too, type in "EmoCandyPop," go to the page (it's all bout my books and all!) then like my page ^^ and I don't mind writing stories for you or reading your stories so tell me THERE and not on here...and I'll try to get to you one person at a time. I'd put up a link but won't let you copy :(


"Hurry up, we're so gonna be late!" screamed my best friend kristy. I grabbed a piece of toast and a box of friut juice then ran out the house. "Forgetting some thing?" Kristy, nodded at me as I ran out the door. I gave her a look but then it hit me. "Damn I forgot my bag!" felling stupid I ran back into the house, not bothering to close the door after me. Running up the stairs I wen't to my bed room and grabbed my bag. My names Sirena and I'm going to start college next year, schools going to be over in a few monthes. So can't wait. After soo many years of school I still forget to grab my own bag, yeahh don't judge. I've just been busy with picking out colleges and test and while you know. Through out my high school life I've been pretty much a loner but with three or four maybe five friends. I'm 18 years old and pretty skinny and weak. But I know how to fight I'm not like those girls who use their weakness as a way out of dealing with bullies. I use my head to fix promises but I'm no nerd, far from it.

 Nomming down on my toast I bumped into my step father. "Oww" I whined. "Sorry there" he easily picked me up and placed me on my feet. "Late for school?" he questioned giving me a fatherly look. "Um yup" I replied like it was nothing new.He sighed but softly patted my head. I shook my hair, pushing him away. "It took me an hour to tease it this big!" I whined. He smirked, "If you would only get a normal hair style and stop that 'emo' stuff then you wouldn't be so late all the time."

   I acted like I really was thinking it over for a few but replied, "yupp, most likely. Now can you move? I'm late for school!" He sighed but moved out the way. "Have a good day at school" He shouted from behind me. Once outside Kristy and I started walking for school. "So did you hear about the killings?" Kristy spoke breaking our silence. I shook my head, "No what happened?" I opened the gates to the grave yard. We take this pate because normal kids and bullies never come here. They're to scared too. I held the door opened for her, she smiled and walked through. "They found a girl down town with her body ripped apart and fang marks on her neck. And another that was burned in a house fire but they think they were killed by some one or something then a kid maybe in his teens was raped then shot to death. Odd is they all have marks." I laughed at that, "maybe their is a vampire running around!" I joked. "I wouldn't joke around if I were you or you might be the next gone!"  Kristy teased back, trying to scare me.

   I rolled my eyes, "trust me I'd be more then happy to die or get turned and leave this stupid town." As we walked deeper into the grave yard I could hear foot steps following us, I just shrugged it off. Must be the wind or something I thought. No way would anyone dear walk here, years ago a wife was killed after being raped by a crazy man, the husband was put into jail because he was the only one for miles who could of gone it back done it. The man cursed the town before he was hung and said that he loved his wife and kids so he would never do that. Rumor has it he put an evil spell on the town and it's people before they found and locked him up. But well he died a bloody death, I'd be pretty pissed off too if some one did that to me. We both felt a good wind, our hair flowing all around us. "Damn it! It took me hours to do my hair!" Kristy whined. "Me too bu--" I started to whined but was cut off by screaming. I grabbed her hand with out thinking and just ran. I felt like some one or something was following us, watching our very moves. We finally got to the end of the grave yard and opened the big old metal gates. "What was that!?!?" Kristy spoke, scared out of her very mind. "I don't know but I don't wanna find out." I ran out, dragging her behind me.

The slayers Daughter {Emo Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now