I'm Sorry °Short Story°

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Time seemed to move in slow motion as Edward watched Harry. And of course it hurt to watch his brother walk away with Louis tied to him because Edward loved Louis too. And Edward knew it wasn't right. He knew Louis should be mad. Let's be honest here, just because you're twins, doesn't give you permission to cuddle your brother's boyfriend. Even if it happened before. And it certainly doesn't give you permission to kiss him either. But it made Edward feel like vomiting when he had sex with Louis last night. He shouldn't have lied. Fuck he shouldn't have lied but Harry had everything Eddie ever wanted. Including Louis. So he pretended to be Harry. And he pretend.

And he got caught.

When Louis woke up tucked into a warm body. Toned and muscular, he smiled. Because he made love to his boyfriend. His Harry. But then he noticed. He noticed the freckle in his ear. Louis knew Harry. And that was not his Harry's ear. And Harry didn't have an infinity tattoo in the back of his neck. Not his Harry. Louis never jumped so high in his life. He had never crawled out of bed and fallen to the floor so hard on his bare bum. And he hadn't even known. He fucked up. He was lied to. But worst of all?

He cheated on Harry.

And Louis never puked out if guilt. Not once in his life. But he ran to the bathroom so fast. And he cried so hard. And he felt so confused. He wished he was invisible.

When Eddie woke up, there was no explaining. There was a crying Louis on the bathroom floor who pushed him away. He said he never wanted to see him again. Who asked why. But all Edward could say, was that he was sorry.

So Edward deserves it now. He deserves watching Louis on Harry's arm and seeing Harry smile like an idiot. So proud to be the boyfriend of Louis Tomlinson. So fucking happy. Living his life and making an album and singing his heart out and being loved by millions and millions of girls. When here sits Eddie. Ashamed and in tears. Full of regret and hurt and disgust.

He thought. He just thought Maybe an ounce of Louis knew it was him. Maybe he felt the same. Maybe it was possible for Edward to have something as precious as a relationship with Louis. But he didn't. And it was a lie. He lied.

He lied.

He got caught.

And now?

Well he's sorry.

I'm Sorry °Short Story°Where stories live. Discover now