•Chapter one•

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"Bye bitches!" I yelled as I dragged my mouse to the end call button.

"Bye fatty!"

"Boo you whore!"



I laughed before I ended the call. No they weren't haters, just my best friends.

I grabbed my canon camera and gently walked downstairs, "BYE MOM IM TAKING A WALK DOWNTOWN!" I screamed.

She said something but I didn't hear her so I just walked out the door.

I walked until I reached a fairly big frozen yogurt place. I stepped inside and got in line, my eyes scanning the menu. "Next please!" A young women announced. I noticed her features, how her short and choppy hair barely touched her shoulders. Her grey eyes were dull and boring, and her figure was very curvy (which is still beautiful) I finally stepped up. "Uh, the super skinny strawberry frozen yogurt please." I spoke fast.

She gave me glaring look. I looked at her unknowingly, confused. "You'll be fat one day like me." She murmured and went off the make my yogurt. I looked down at my body. My thighs didn't touch, my arms were bony, you could see my ribs clear as day, I was an A cup in bra sizes, and even those were too big. I look like a fucking twelve year old. And it didn't help that I was getting braces in two months.

"Hun! It's ready." I was snapped out of my thoughts and handed the grouchy ass women her money. I took my yogurt and started walking, not looking where I was going.

If you couldn't tell I was new around here. I moved here from Chicago, all the way to New York. But people don't scare-

"Shit." I groaned. My super skinny strawberry frozen yogurt was now all over someone's white t-shirt. "I'm sorry I'm a dumbass, this is my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." I said, trying to wipe off the yogurt from my camera that hung around my neck.

He grabbed ahold of my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Yeah, it is. But I'll let it slide this time babe." He let go of my chin. As he was walking by I tripped him. I could feel his eyes burn through my head, but I couldn't care less. What a fucking douche.


"... So like it tripped him and he just like glared into my soul," I said between fits of laughter.

Everyone else started cracking up,
"ASHTON IS GETTING ALL THE BOYS" Allie yelled. I flipped her off and she started cracking up.

"I start hell tomorrow." I said, referring to school. "HEY! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE MISS" My mom called. My cheeks flushed a bright red, " 'Kay, sorry mom." I sunk into seat.

Everyone on my screen was silently laughing. "Bye I have to go get ready for bed." I announced, mostly just embarrassed and pissed.

I shut off my computer and went to my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom.

I stripped down of all my clothes and got into the warm shower.

After I finished my nightly routine I snuggled up into my bed and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight New York City"


I woke up to my alarm going off like crazy. I groaned and hit it forcefully until it shut the hell up.

I got up.

I'm not ready for this.

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