•Chapter two•

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I threw on a Arctic monkeys shirt and black shorts, I wrapped a plaid shirt around my waist to add some color and slipped on my dark grey vans.

I applied some black mascara to my eyelashes and ran downstairs.

I walked out the door and hung my bag over my shoulder. I let the cool breeze hit my naked legs. I shivered but kept on going.

I ran to my car and started to get in. I took a long breath. Damn.


I walked through the purple and white halls, making no contact with anyone.

I bumped into someone "Ass" I mumbled. "Bitch." He mumbled back. I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards my locker. "dang girl, are you a parking ticket, 'cause you got fine written all over you."

I turned to face the Jackass who said the pick up line "Dang boy, are you an onion or is that just your armpits?" He went ghost white. I walked away with my books in my hand. And before you say it, no I'm not always a complete bitch to people. There are just a lot of impolite hoes here.


Lunch was probably my most stressful part of the day. I contemplated sitting alone, but I wasn't into that. As I was walking around a couple girls waved me over. They seemed relaxed so I sat down next to one of them with short light brown hair and green eyes. She was curvy and absolutely stunning.

"Hey I'm Jamie." She introduced herself and I did that same. "Ashton." I replied simply. She nodded, and I looked down at my food. I stabbed my fork into it. "Well this food sucks ass." I laughed. Everyone else joined in.

"Look who's staring at Ashton.." A girl named Skylar nodded her head at a table. Everyone turned except me, who just kept my head down. "Jacob." Jamie giggled. "Who the fuck is Jacob?" I asked, irritated.

"Me." A male voice rang out. I looked up and was surprised. "Yogurt boy?" I said. "Camera girl?" He said confused.

My face turned red with embarrassment. I stood up and grasped my lunch in my hand. I took the long way around to avoid walking into yogurt boy.

Yogurt boy.

He was bad.

I wasn't a fan of bad.

He was also cute.

He was also an absolute ass.


"NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" I yelled, laughing so hard that I had to hold on to my stomach.

"Whatever you whore" My friend Sammie giggled.

"You're a whore."

"No you're a whore."

"You're like queen whore"

"And you're King."

"That's sexist."

"No it's not"

"Yeah it is."


"Because like you said 'you're King' meaning kings have higher power than queens"

"That makes no sense."

"It does too make sense."

"You're delusional."

"You're psychotic."

"At least I know it."

"Whatever whore."

"Fuck you asshole."

We both started cracking up.

I had met Sammie in history and so far, we were best friends. It was funny how fast you can gravitate towards someone.

We were oovooing since school was over a couple of hours ago. "Alright I dare you too..." I thought for a second. "Call the most annoying person you know and then hang up and call me back again."

She nodded her head okay and started to call some one. They answered quickly and I immediately recognized him. "We meet again camera girl" He bit his lip and winked. Me and Sammie looked at each other and laughed.

She ended the call. "Sorry, I don't like bad boys." I winked and disconnected. I got a call back from Sammie seconds later. I hit accept and her face appeared on my screen.

"We meet again Camera girl." Sammie mocked and be both started laughing.

"She didn't like Bad boys" {Jacob Sartorius Fan fic}Where stories live. Discover now