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Harry looked up from his book and smiled at the servant by the door peeking her head in.


"Um, the king and queen would like a word with you" she looked down at the floor.

"Thank you, I will go to them in just a bit" Harry gently replied.

"They said it was urgent, prince."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows before placing his gum wrapper in his book as a bookmark and placed it on the comfy chair he was sitting on.

"Alright, im coming" he said before stridding over to the servant and stepping past her to get into the hall. How long had he been in the library? He thought to himself as he saw that it was quite dark outside as apposed to the bright sky it had been just moments before.


Harry knocked on the door his parents room three times before patiently waiting for it to swing open.

He only had to wait a mere 10 seconds before it was open and he smiled up at his father who only looked at him with an unreadable expression. Something was happening.

Harrys heart started to beat a bit faster at the fear of having another attack on the castle. He didnt want to go through that again.

"Harry, dear, come sit down please. We have.. Something to discuss" his mother motioned for him to sit infront of her and the royal advisor plus a couple more relatives that lived with them aswell.

"What is going on?" He asked afraid of what the answer might be.

"Well, as you know our kingdom and our neighboring kingdom have been in a bit of a, dispute for quite some time now" his father started.
Harry nodded along.

"And we believe that it is time we put an end to this, dispute" his mother added.

"Okay? What did you have in mind mother?"

"Now Harry we dont want you to get mad or think that we are doing this to spite you but..." She continued.


His mother nervously glanced around at everyone who was trying not to make eye contact.

"But, we have come to a decision that we all agree on and hopefully you do to, to help your kingdom."

"Youre starting to scare me mum please come out with it already."

"In order for the king and queen of the Tomlinson Empire to agree we had to offer you to marry their first born. This way we could unite the kingdoms and be in harmony once again." His dad finally said.

Harry sat with a stunned look on his face. Wait what? Who?

"Youre kidding right?" He laughed.

"No. The royals never kid." His mother said in a stern voice which shut Harry up immideatly.

"Oh, um, well that seems a bit much dont you think? I mean marrying me off already? Im only 18."

"Well when I was 18 our parents already had a suiter waiting inline for me to marry" Harry's sister Gemma spoke up making everyone turn to look at her.

"Yeah but, this is different, I have to marry someone who is from the kingdom where they thought throwing bombs at us was a good idea? Mother, father please dont make me do this. Why didnt Gemma get to marry the person instead of me?" Harry kept going.

"Harold Edward Styles. You are not to question why we married Gemma off to another man and why you must marry this man too. We have already told you, it is for the sake of our kingdoms."

Harry froze.

"Man? Wait, youre going to marry me off to some man? I thought it was a woman."

"We never said it was a girl Harry."

Harry took a deep breath before biting his lip and pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasnt getting out of this.

"Fine. I understand. Who is he then?" He questioned.

"His name is Louis Tomlinson. He is the oldest of 5 and he is 23."

"He is quite a handsome lad."

"A bit short."

"Strong jawline too."

All around him his relatives kept going on about this Louis fellow.

"Alright already I get it you lot have crushes on him. Mother, hes 23, hes a man and im just a boy. Why isnt he married already?"

"Because Harold, Louis is a tad bit, rebellious and the king and queen have tried extensively to get him to marry someone but he just wont do it so they gave up until ofcourse you turned of age. Thats when we preposed you as a husband. We have ofcourse not heard back from the king and queen yet but hopefully we will soon."

Harry frowned. Hes 23. Hes going to throw him around and boss him and Harry isnt going to be able to defend himself properly. If hes rebellious no doubt hes going to try and hurt Harry one way or another.

"Okay mother, father, I understand. I will go through with the marriage if he accepts as well." Harry sighed out.

"Thank you Harry now please be ready tommorow for dinner with the Tomlinsons as they are coming to show you to Louis." His father informed him.

"Oh. Already?"

"Yes. You are dissmissed."

Harry got up and pushed in his chair before saying goodbye to everyone and bowing. He stepped out of the room and strolled down the hall to his bedroom where he could finally rest after the emotionally draining conversation he just had.

"Im going to be married." Harry said outloud to himself as he carefully stepped out of his shoes and royal clothes before changing into some sleepwear and getting into bed.

It was already 10:30 and Harry had a long day ahead of him tommorow.

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